8: Use Your Words

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"Hey come back here!" Tomura called out, a fluffy pink towel in his hands. 

He looked around the apartment, spotting the soaking wet kitten under the kitchen table. It wasn't hard to see them considering there was a long trail of water leading him right to their hiding spot.  

"Ichigo, come out from under there so I can dry you off. You're getting the floor all wet." The man said, slowly approaching with the towel. 

Ichigo hissed at him and Tomura's mouth fell open. "We do not hiss in this household." Tomura scolded. Ichigo yowled as they were wrapped in the fluffy towel. 

"You wouldn't hate it so much if you weren't a cat. You love water.". Ichigo turned back into a toddler in Tomura's arms but it was a predictable enough move at this point that he didn't drop them. 

Not that he had ever dropped them. Nope, never happened. 

"Cold." The toddler defended, curling up in Tomura's arms. 

"Is it okay to hiss at someone just because you're cold?" The man asked, tired. Ichigo pouted and shook their head. "Come on, you've gotta get dressed and go to bed.". 

"Don't wanna go to bed.". Tomura huffed fondly and sat the kid down on the toilet seat before helping them into some very adorable bunny themed pajamas. 

"Open up." He instructed. Ichigo responded by opening their mouth as wide as possible. Tomura laughed. "Not that big. What are you, a shark?" He joked, more to himself than to the kid, as he began brushing their teeth. 

Ichigo's tiny crayon themed tooth brush was becoming a normal sight next to Tomura's plain adult sized one. It was strange, to see how the toddler's stuff was finally looking permanent. Their booster seat at the table, their clothes in the closet, their shoes at the door. 

But despite being strange it wasn't unwelcome. 

"Wassa shark?" Ichigo asked after spitting in the sink. Tomura tensed up, as he always did when a less desirable animal was mentioned. And by less desirable, he meant one that needed salt water or was too small for him to see. Nothing against sharks. 

"Nothing." He said simply, "Nothing at all kid.". 

The toddler just nodded slightly, finally feeling sleepy after all the running around. They leaned further into Tomura, half asleep already. 

"The more you run around the more you tire both of us out." He reminded the kid, who just nodded against Tomura's arm, red eyes already blinking shut. 

Tomura turned off the light in the bathroom and carried the kid to the bedroom, setting them down in their bed. They had their own blankets and pillows now, although they obviously missed using Tomura's as a giant nest. 

He pulled the cover's over their body, making sure the two year old was nice and cozy. 

He started walking to his own bed when Ichigo shifted so they were looking at Tomura. 

"Love you daddy." They whispered in what had to be the tiniest voice the villain had ever heard in his entire life. 

To say Tomura was shocked would be an understatement. Love? Where had the kid learned that? TV? Did they even know what it meant? 

No, of course they didn't. They couldn't. They probably just heard someone on TV say it to their parent and thought they should do the same. 

At least that was far easier to digest than the idea that the kid genuinely loved him. 

Quickly, Tomura took his phone out of his pocket and searched 'love definition'.

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