7: That's The Question

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"Wanna play!" Ichigo informed Ikoma. The woman smiled. 

"Alright, what do you wanna play?" She asked kindly. Shimura had left a couple of toys with Ichigo to use while he was out and also said she was free to take them outside. She had already planned a surprise picnic for lunch. 

"Plushies! You can pick one to be first." The toddler said with a wide smile. Ikoma took that as an honor and selected a black cat plushie. Ichigo picked a giant frog. 

Ikoma tried to think of what her students liked to play. Although they were a little older than Ichigo, they should like the same games. "They can be heroes?" She suggested. 

"Heroes?" Ichigo repeated with wide red eyes. Ikoma nodded. 

"Like Endeavor and All Might.". 

Ichigo hummed. They had heard their daddy talk about All Might before, about how strong he was. Being strong was good. They liked heroes then. "Like All Might!" They said with a wide smile. Ikoma 'awwed' and gave her cat 'Ms. Kitty' as a hero name. Ichigo went with Captain Frog and together they began their fight against the evil Ducky. 

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Tomura had nearly forgotten how good it felt to be in the midst of a fight. The adrenaline, the fast paced action. 

He liked the feeling of it all. 

To watch the chaos around him-it was marvelous. Although he had missed that green haired hero girl, he had still managed to cause a lot of damage to the class's teacher. It would be worth it in the end. 

The nomu appeared unbeatable as they had predicted. No hero had ever faced something like it before, hell no villain who had tried it while they were still in their testing phase even lived to tell the tale. 

But right when All Might arrived and was unable to blast the nomu away with one punch like he typically was, Shigaraki was hit with a question. 

'Do I really want him to die?'

He had never thought about such a question before. Not once in his life. When he was younger he wouldn't have considered All Might dying a possibility and later it wasn't even a question. The answer was always no. 

But it was a question now, and he didn't know how to answer.

It would be everything he and his teacher had worked towards. They could finally destroy or take One For All for themselves, using it to shape the new world. And with the symbol gone heroes would be retiring out of fear and lack of motivation in droves. Once they were out of the way people would go back to the old ways, using their quirks to defend themselves and relying on his teacher to give everything order. 

It would reinstate All For One as the most powerful person in Japan, and Tomura too of course. As his successor he would be right there with him. 

There were added complications now though. If All Might died Tomura would have so much to do. Public statements, finish off Eraserhead, make a big statement.

Then he would busy in the coming months, gathering all of his teacher's followers to take a final stand against hero society. Reducing cities to rubble. 

He would undoubtably be late to pick Ichigo up. 

God he wanted to hate himself for thinking that but he couldn't. He had promised Ikoma he would be there on time, and he had promised the same to Ichigo. 

He knew how it felt to be waiting for someone who never came. And he didn't even know why he knew that feeling, he couldn't remember his own childhood. But he remembered the cold feeling of betrayal and childish longing. 

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