CARD 13.

41 2 2

"it's showtime,"

and with that, they proceeded with their plan.

they managed to slip past many residents in the building with their disguise. when the two were going up the stairs, they heard voices in the stairwell.

"one of the hostages sure looks fuckable in the jumpsuit we gave them," he chuckled, "if only master kim allows us to do more than just feeding,"

both figures leaned up against the wall, listening closely to what the hostages were speaking. the stench of cigarettes filled the stairwell. the two residents kept joking about what they would do to the hostages. jungkook held in the urge to cough. he hated the smell. taehyung slowly reached out for his gun on his waist. the two voices went silent for a while. out of nowhere, the sound of a ringtone blasted through the temporarily silent stairwell. there was a split second of silence before a gunshot was blasted through.

"who's there! show up now," one of them shouted.

taehyung and jungkook went silent. the residents skipped and rushed down the stairs. they spotted an unfamiliar outfit and fired a shot. the shot hit the wall beside jungkook and taehyung, barely missing them. the younger gasp before looking at the eyes of the elder for validation to keep going. taehyung pulled the other as they ran as fast as they could and didn't look back. the residents of the building ran down the stairs to catch up to them. as they fasten their pace, jungkook almost slipped down the stairs slowing down the both of them. the hectic circumstances led a rush of adrenaline to the both of them as taehyung let out a laugh of satisfaction upon the view infront of him. taehyung sped up as he threw himself to the glass pane, allowing an exit towards the forest behind the building pulling jungkook along with him. they rolled down the hills mercilessly as the commotion behind them grew distant. they heard a few more gunshots and stood up to sprint away from the danger. taehyung brushed the glass shards off him. the pain taehyung felt coming from the glass pieces that pierced through his body was not his priority. the both of them didn't stop running until there was no signs of threat. once they felt safe enough, they tried catching their breath. suddenly, jungkook shoved taehyung to a nearby tree.

"what the fuck was that? you ruined the whole plan," jungkook grunted in anger, placing his dagger dangerously close to taehyung's neck. one wrong turn and the weapons' digging straight into his artery.

taehyung retaliated, his hands gripping onto the others' pulling it further from his neck. he shoved jungkook to the ground as he caught his breath. the tension of the situation and the running earlier had made him forget to breathe. jungkook chuckled in disappointment before pushing himself up and grabbed the others' collar. taehyung kept calm and tried to talk some sense to his friend who was clearly in a very wild state of anger.

"look, it wasn't any of us. we don't have our phones with us, remember?" taehyung said, putting jungkook in a state of silence.

confusion was evident on jungkook's face. then who did it? they tried to figure out whose device could possibly make that sound. it was definitely not them. it could only lead to another alternative. one of it being someone else was in the building with them. they rushed back to their vehicle they parked nearby and turned on their laptops.

"hello?" they heard a soft and familiar voice that stopped them in their tracks.

A/n: hello friends! i realised i could only come up with interesting plots when i'm hella stressed out and need a break so thus, the long break because my mind was in a longgg mind block.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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