The True Slayer

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The True Slayer

AN: Well hey there everyone it's me GrimReaper113 and well I guess here is chapter two of The True Slayer yay!

Anyways I would just like to thank



For their wonderful reviews on my other story The Dragon Slayer King

And I also have to say that my challenge of sort I guess you can call it that... has finished and the winner is Darkconvoy99 and he has chosen one girl already for the harem in my story The Mages Of The Leaf.

So anyways I also want to tell the 'GUEST' who wrote the review...

''Learn how to write, retard.'' Well I just got to say...

FUCK YOU! I did say this was my first attempt at writing so I'm still learning and changing my writing style. I'm trying to learn everything I can and trying to be a better writing.

If you see mistakes than so what tell me what those mistakes where so I can learn from them and hopefully be a better writing for you guys. Sheesh man/woman, don't know who it was but really man I'm trying here so give me a break.

Its people like Otsoawulf, RinneTaicho that give me great reviews and from those reviews I get so much experience and I can also learn were to improve.

But... now that I got that out let's get on with the story shall we my peeps.

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING.

(With Naruto & Erza)

It has been over an hour since Naruto found Erza and the two of them started to head toward Magnolia town.

''Hey Erza how far away are we from Magnolia town?'' Naruto asked while walking next to her right.

''Well we are still about a days away from there.'' Erza responded to his question while drinking some water she had on hand.

''Really, well what are we supposed to do when night falls... I mean look the sun is going down so we have about another hour at most of light.'' Naruto said while pointing at the setting sun which made the sky look like it was on fire.

''Well we could camp out here for the night since there is no town or rest stops until we get to Magnolia town.'' Erza said making naruto nod

''Well come on we should find a clearing or something to set up a camp.'' Naruto said making Erza nod.

Soon they were walking a little away from the road so as not to lose their way. After about 15 minutes of looking they were able to find a nice little clearing to set up camp.

''Well this is a nice enough spot so how about we set up here since we only have minutes before night fall.'' Naruto said and with that both start working of their sleeping bags.

''Erza do you mind making a fire while I go look for some food?'' Naruto said while making a little ditch for the fire.

''Um... sure go ahead.'' Erza said

After about 30 minutes Naruto returned with about three rabbits and two wild chickens. Erza was surprised to find that Naruto was such a good hunter and she was even more surprise to see him cook so expertly.

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