Chapter 7

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The True Slayer

AN:  Hey there my peeps how it is going this fine hot weekend. I know that  many of you are angry at me for putting two of my stories on Hiatus but  I'm just having a hard time writing them right now.

Don't  worry though I'm working on fixing that little problem by taking a  break from writing those two stories. Once I'm once again pumped I'll  dive right back to those two.

So yea think of it as a vacation from writing those two... also I might re-write 'The Dragon Slayer King' all over again seeing as it has so  many problems. Also the fact that many of you are sending flames about  just about anything in that story lead me to believe that a re-write is  in order.

I know that the whole story  moved to fast and that many things are different that cannon but come on  this is why this website exists for doesn't it. It's for us fans to  write our own version of our favorite shows/anime/books... etc...

So I'll probably take down 'The Dragon Slayer King'  and do an entire re-write from beginning till the newest chapter. I  hope I made some of you people who only come to this site to bitch  happy... sheesh I don't know why it's called  if we the fans can't even write our own stories the way we like it without a stupid idiot coming along and saying stuff like.

'Naruto wouldn't act smart.' Or 'Erza should only be paired with Jellal.'

Bitch  please this is our stories so if you don't like them then why the hell  are you even in this site I mean really if you want to read Naruto being  an idiot then buy the fucking Manga. If you wish to wait for Erza to  get with Jellal then fucking wait for it in the Manga I mean really.

Once  you entered the world of Fanfiction you should have fucking expected  some shit to be very different. I know that I ranted a lot today but I  just had to get that out since I've had many review telling me that the  way I portray many of the characters is wrong.

So  to all my haters I salute you with a my middle finger and a big pile of  dog shit that I wish to throw at many of you for ruining my love of  many of this wonderful stories on here since it's because of many of you  that they stop writing them.

So with all my hate FUCK YOU!

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!

-Last Time-

-Fairy Tail Guild Hall-

Back  in Fairy Tail everyone was doing their usual routine of drinking,  fighting and taking on job requests. That is until a light blinded them  and made them get into a fighting stance.

When the light  died down there in front of everyone was none other than Naruto, Erza,  Mira, Gildarts, Lily, and the ball of light Ragnarok along with two  others.

''Hey guys guess who's back.'' Naruto waved with  his trademark foxy grin making the entire guild roar in happiness at  they're arrival.

''Naruto! My boy welcome back!'' Makarov yelled out while coming up to him and giving him a grandfatherly smile.

''I hope everything was put in order.'' Makarov asked gaining a nod

''Great!  Well just one more thing my boy... who might those two young girls be?''  Makarov asked getting the two girls to walk forward and present  themselves.

''Names Tayuya don't forget it old man.'' Tayuya said with a smirk

''My name is Kin Tsuchi master Makarov.'' Kin said with a small bow

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