Chapter 5

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The True Slayer

AN:  Hello everyone and thank you for being patient with me. Life right now  is being a bitch and I just didn't have time to either write a chapter  or upload one since I've been kept busy.

But  yesterday when I finally had time to write a family member went into  the hospital he's all better now but it was really a scare. But now I'm  back and well I'm really sorry if you're all upset.

But anyways on to Chapter 5 of The True Slayer.

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!

-Last time-

''The  final match will be between Garra of the sand vs Mirajane Strauss... are  you two ready.'' All he got was a pair of sadistic smiles.

''Ok then... let the match.... BEGIN!'' and with that Mira rushed forward.

-Right Now-

As Mira rushed forward intend on finishing it fast she was able to see a huge amount of sand imprisoning her in a dome of sand.

''eheheh mother wants your blood.'' Garra said while extending his right arm and making a crushing motion.

Temari,  Kankuro and the others started to feel sorry for the Fairy Tail losing a  member. Kakashi was about to say how sorry he was for their loss until  he saw Gildarts and his students smiling.

''Aren't you three angry or sad about your friend dying down there?'' Kakashi asked them.

''Nope... because this fight is just beginning.'' Gildarts said making everyone raise an eyebrow at that.

That's when everyone heard a voice come out of the sand coffin and they saw Garra's eyes widen in shock.


The  voice of Mira rang out and the sand exploded outward showing a very  different person. Everyone was shocked at what they saw all except for  the boys since somewhere turned on.

There in the middle of the  arena was Mirajane in her full takeover. She stood there in a very  revealing suit that showed her toned belly and her impressively growing  breasts. Her suit was red with yellow lining and claw like gauntlets  with a black tail coming out from just above her pelvis.

''Hmm...  well that was interesting to say the least... come on show me what you can  do or was that it.'' Mira said while smirking at him.

Everyone was shocked to see Mira change and just kept looking at her with wide eyes.


''Wh-what  the hell just happened?'' Sakura asked while Ino, Hinata, Naruko, Kin,  Tenten, Temari and Sakura herself were starting to feel self-conscious  since they could see Mirajane becoming a very beautiful woman in the  near future.

Sakura and Ino were more jealous about Mira's figure  since they had tried to get that type body for a long time. Sasuke on  the other hand had gotten interested and was smirking.

''She would  make a great wife and give me some very powerful Uchiha heirs.'' Sasuke  said making Naruto, Erza, and Gildarts laugh.

''What's so funny?'' Sasuke said making everyone look at the Fairy Tail team.

''You  think Mira will go out with you... ha tough luck boy Mira only likes  people with power and you don't have that power.'' Gildarts said making  Sasuke glare at him.

Everyone was looking at them like they were crazy that is until Ino decided to ask you could possibly be stronger than Sasuke.

''Really well who could be stronger than Sasuke huh?'' Ino asked getting Erza to look at her eyes.

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