Chapter 15

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The True Slayer

AN:  What is up my Peeps I'm here today to sell you legal drugs called  fanfictions. Admit it these things are addicted and we Authors are  basically drug dealer lol.

Well anyways, how about we get started with this story huh?

Chapter... um 15?

Yes 15 this is definitely chapter 15...


-Fairy Tail Guildhall-

Everyone  was having fun drinking and eating while some were around the job  request board looking for work while others were already drunk. Mira was  behind the bar with Vivian and Eli along with her in their high chairs  just watching her work.

Tayuya, Kin and Naruko decided to go on an  S-class job just like Erza but decided one with a higher pay would be  more fun. Only Mira was left to hold down the fort while Naruto was busy  filing out the paperwork for Natsu's little renovation on Hargeon port.

Just  when people thought, it was going to be a peaceful day for once the  front doors busted open to reveal Natsu, Happy and a blonde girl.

"We made it back alive!" Natsu screamed

Everyone screamed in excitement at seeing Natsu return with what they assumed was a new member.

"So  Natsu is back huh?" Gray screamed while stripping and was about to head  over to him before he saw Natsu kick Rowan in the face.

"Bastard you lied to me!" Natsu screamed.

"You're the idiot who left before you let me finish." Rowan said while punching in the face.

With that, all hell broke loose everyone started swinging left and right punching anyone that got in his or her way.

Mira  seeing this decided to go and talk with the newcomer and get her name  seeing as Natsu forgot about her. As she made her way towards her  Lisanna joined her sister also curious about the newbie.

"Welcome  to Fairy Tail my name is Mirajane Strauss and this is my sister Lisanna  Strauss." Both sisters smiled at her making Lucy squeal in excitement.

"Oh  my god it's the real Mirajane... wait aren't you married to the master of  this guild." Lucy asked since she had read about her and the Master  being a couple and having a child together.

"Unfortunately no we  haven't had the time to preform our wedding but we are working on it  still we just need to find a perfect time for it." Mira told her a  little sad about it but not worried since she knew how busy Naruto  currently was.

"Now I'm betting you wish to join our guild right?" Lisanna asked her.

Before  Lucy could answer, a big man came flying by slamming into Mira and her  sister and sending crashing into some tables nearby.

"T-this guild is a l-lot of fun n-no?" Mira asked before blacking out.

Lucy freaked out and ran towards them while yelling hysterical at them not to die while all around her the chaos grew.

-Master's Office-

Naruto  was busy filling out the needed paperwork to apologize to the council  for Natsu's stupidity as well as signing reimbursement papers to help  fund the repairs that were being made to the port.

Just when he  was going to finish he felt a buildup in magic in the guildhall and knew  that Natsu had returned and started another guild brawl.

Standing  up Naruto jumped over his desk and ran outside to stop it only to see  everyone charging up his or her magic and taking aim.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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