Chapter 11

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The True Slayer

AN:  Well I know everyone must hate me for not updating in like what 2, 3  months? However, in my defense I was fucking lazy and just couldn't be  bothered to lift a finger.

Hehehe sorry about the lame reason for being absent but it's the truth.

Now  though I think my writers block is gone and well I have gotten less  lazy. Therefore, here is my next chapter ladies and gents.

Well I have made a somewhat rough schedule which stories I will update when.

First, will be The True Slayer, Second will be The Mages of the Leaf, Third will be A Fallen Angels Dream, and last will be The Once and Future King.

It will be probably something like....

Week 1: The True Slayer, The Mages Of The Leaf.

Week 2: A Fallen Angels Dream, The Once And Future King.

Week 3: Maybe The Dragon's Reborn, and some New Stories.

Week 4: Mini Vacation to gather my thoughts.

Then it will start all over again next month and hopefully that will be my schedule from now on.

So anyways on with the chapter!

Disclaimer: I'm getting sick of doing this shit.... I OWN NOTHING!

-Last Time-

''Naruko can I speak with you?'' Erza's voice brought her out of her thoughts.


''D-do you like your brother more than you should?'' Erza asked in a whisper so the other didn't hear them.

''Wh-what why'd you ask something like that?'' Naruko panicked

''I'm  not stupid Naruko, I've seen the way you look at him and the way you  act around him so I'll ask again... do you like him in a romantic way?''  The way Erza asked made it seem like more of a demand than a question.

Naruko  didn't know what to say. On one hand, she could tell the truth and have  them all look at her with disgust or risk it and lie and hope they  believed her.

''I-I... I do.'' Naruko sadly said while looking at the ground.

All she felt was an arm around her and saw Erza smile at her and she saw a glint in her eyes.

''Then it's up to me to help you win your man.'' Erza announced

''Wha-what but why aren't you disgusted?'' Naruko asked.

''Of  course not because I know you don't see him as a brother since you two  never were able to establish that bond so all you see is a man who  you're able to marry and have children with... and also the fact that your  clan fixes the risk of deformities I see it as a win don't you?''

Naruko was shocked at the fact that Erza would help her get with her brother of all people.


''No  don't say a thing I'll help you get with him and Mira and the others  will help and by the time I and Mira get into our second trimester we'll  make sure you and Naruto are together.''

''Now come we have a lot of planning to do.''

With  that, both Erza and Naruko got up, went over to Kin and Tayuya, sat  down, and told them everything. Tayuya didn't like it and Kin didn't  care while Mira having joined them thought it was a great idea.

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