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"Lisa!" Jennie stood in her doorway with damp hair and a silk robe wrapped around her, "You're early!"

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"Lisa!" Jennie stood in her doorway with damp hair and a silk robe wrapped around her, "You're early!"

Lisa smiled, not at all apologetic. It was 7:45, and that was even after circling the block three times. Her stomach was in knots.

"Yes," she started smally, "I'm afraid it didn't take me as long to get here as I thought,"

"Oh, that's uh, fine," Jennie ran a hand through her hair, "Shit, come in, please,"

"Thank you," Lisa accepted, stepping through the foyer. She found herself in what she would consider a dump. It was tidy, yes. But not to her tastes. Incredibly small, there was only a short hallway, and the rest was open. The kitchen was easily the most impressive part of the apartment, but it lacked a dining table of any sort.

"So, did you just want to get started?"

Jennie's smoky voice called her attention, and Lisa was trying to figure out when the situation would stop surprising her. But she took the blunt suggestion in stride and laughed at the look on the shorter woman's face.

"Why not?" she answered, shrugging, "I'm glad that was the most romantic way you could think of to start the night," she teased, and followed Jennie to – yes – the bedroom. The woman had thrown a laugh behind her.

"Don't worry, we can screw, then watch porn and high five later, if you want. We'll keep it really sophisticated."

Lisa scoffed a laugh.

"Right, well, I'm gonna go clean up and I'll be out in 5," Jennie promised on entry to the room, "Anything I can get you? Gatorade? Energy drink?"

Lisa rolled her green eyes at Jennie's dry humor.

"Not being a teenage boy, I'm going to have to turn down those offers, thank you though,"

The blonde-haired woman smirked and disappeared into the bathroom. Lisa dutifully took her cue and started to undress. Jennie's bedroom was very neat, with a faithful set of drawers and vanity, with the centerpiece being a queen-sized bed. The black sheets looked soft, and Lisa vaguely wondered what the thread count was. A single lamp illuminated the room from a bedside table with a few books on top.

Lisa stripped down to her underwear and briefly debated what to do. The most disturbing thing to her was that she, oddly enough, didn't feel odd enough. There didn't seem to be a panic in her stomach, and she quietly reflected that she trusted Jennie. The wild woman was funny, obviously sane, but seemed to be hiding a slightly cute sort of dorkiness that tickled Lisa when she revealed it.

"Might as well," Lisa spoke to herself, removing her bra and underwear as well. Her tucked penis was freed from between her legs and she let out a generous sigh of comfort. She crossed to the bed and slipped under Jennie's sheets, throwing off the heavy comforter to the foot of the bed.

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