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"Lisa. No,"

"But Jennie," the woman whined. Yes, whined.


"Fine, fine," Lisa sighed, rolling onto her back, trying not to let her straining erection distract her. But it was much too late for that. For whatever reason, the more pregnant her fiancée grew, the more beautiful Lisa thought her. Carrying their baby, Lisa fell even deeper in love with Jennie every day. This particular day, love had been on her mind for the majority of it.

She let out a very quiet exhalation and slipped a hand under the sheets.


"What?" She exploded, frustrated.

"What are you, 15?!" Jennie admonished, "If you really have to do that, do it in the bathroom or something,"

"Darling, it's been a week," Lisa groaned, covering her eyes with a forearm, "I can't believe it. We're not even married yet, and the sex has already stopped,"

"Lisa," Jennie rolled and glared at her fiancée, "I am unbelievably horny right now,"

"Oh, really?" Lisa smiled in brilliant hopefulness, and the blue eyes glared at her even more fiercely.

"Yes," the woman practically snapped, "But my breasts are ridiculously tender, and I could probably scratch a mirror with my nipples, they're so hard. My back aches, and my ankles feel swollen. In addition to all of that, I refuse to be on top again, because I'm exhausted. My feet hurt, and I'm not going to get up to let you behind me. My uterus is crushing me, and my vagina feels incredibly shallow, so I doubt I could take you anyway,"

She pulled in a deep, long suffering breath, watching as Lisa's dark-covered face seemed only to look impressed.

"I'm over the moon that you still think I'm sexy enough to sleep with in my third trimester, baby, I am. And I miss having regular sex, so don't you dare compare us to the vanilla couples who have 2.5 kids and a minivan," Somewhere in her passionate speech, she had crawled to Lisa, who propped up on her elbow. Jennie reached to snatch the beautiful woman's face in her palm, angling the rose red lips up to her own.

"You and I are animals in bed. I just so happen to be a little handicapped at the moment, seeing as there's an entire fucking person inside of me. I'm horny, but the only thing in the world I want right now is a full night of sleep without needing to pee, or cramping up like an Olympic sprinter. So no, Lisa. Suffer a couple more nights alongside me, or work it out in the bathroom," Jennie huffed, laying a frustrated kiss to Lisa's smiling lips.

"Anything else?" Lisa asked lightly, turning and lifting the covers to allow Jennie to curve her back into her. The woman grumbled, situating herself in a futile attempt to get comfortable.

"I want women to quit touching my stomach," she complained darkly. Lisa wisely held her laugh in when Jennie contradictorily pulled Lisa's free arm over to rest on her stomach protectively.

"I'll get right on that in the morning, darling," Lisa hummed, kissing the light honeyed hair.

"Thanks," Jennie shorted a laugh.

"I've never approved, you know. I think it's a bit unfair," the brunette mused, "So many people rub your stomach and give you their congratulations, but not a single person has rubbed my penis and told me 'good job'. It just seems a bit one sided,"

Jennie was laughing before Lisa finished, and she twisted to invite Lisa in for a well-earned kiss.

"If someone is rubbing your dick who's not me, be sure to let me know, okay?"

"You'll be the first, my love,"


"What about her last name?" Lisa wondered absently, her hands cupping handfuls of warm water to pour over Jennie's enormous stomach. Privately, she thought the size description was accurate, but she'd be sleeping alone until the baby came if she admitted it.

"You don't think agreeing on her first name is more of a concern?" Jennie hummed, absolutely loving Lisa's attentions from behind her while she relaxed in the bath.

"Equally concerning, I think," Lisa chuckled.

"I want her to be a Manoban," the at-ease woman eventually said.


Jennie smiled at the ecstatic nature of her fiancée's tone behind her. Privately, she thought Lisa had been ridiculous through the entire pregnancy, but she'd be sleeping with a very upset Lisa if she admitted it.

"Of course,"


"We could name her after my mom?" Jennie suggested, massaging her back with one hand, a set of tongs in the other. She felt like a house. A much, much, much too large house.

"While I'm sure Ye-jin would be overjoyed by that, I don't think it's such a good idea," Lisa hummed, her focus on the myriad of papers before her at the kitchen's bar.

"Why not?" Jennie asked, fixing the stovetop to where she could cross to Lisa in concentration.

"Because," the working woman replied, heavily distracted, "I wouldn't want the next ones to feel they aren't special enough to be named after family members,"

Jennie felt herself freeze and immediately thaw, a smile rolling across her face. Happiness warming her spine, she moved to Lisa's side.

"The next ones?" she prompted her voice low in Lisa's ear.

Lisa gave a small start, finally giving all of her attention to her fiancée, "Well, if you wanted, I suppose,"

Jennie hummed, taking Lisa's reading glasses off and brining her face closer to her own, "You sure you're not just scared of the day I make you wear a condom?"

Lisa burst into a laugh and turned her body to pull Jennie into her. She laid a kiss to the blonde-haired woman and smirked, "It's a valid concern, yes. But I always pictured more than just one," she clarified.

Jennie smiled, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but I think so too. Definitely more than one. I'd be a lot different if I didn't have Lia,"

Lisa nodded, "And I'd always wanted a sibling as a kid. Besides, if there's more than one, we won't have to be Ella's only playmates,"

"Oo, I like Ella a lot,"

"So do I," Lisa smiled.


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