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"So I told him that if he brought me another rancid shipment, I'd find a new dairy supplier,"

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"So I told him that if he brought me another rancid shipment, I'd find a new dairy supplier,"

Lisa switched ears, looking the other way to turn right, "What a fearsome sight you most likely made. Are you wearing your scary heels?"

"No. Those are only for when I feel like shoving one up your ass," Jennie's voice dried, "Which you completely deserve for not listening to my story,"

"I am listening," she said distractedly, pulling her Porsche smoothly into a parking spot.

"You could sell me a used car, that was so convincing,"

Lisa laughed and pushed the car door open, shutting it and locking the vehicle, "Why you'd ever buy a used car is beyond me. You should have enough money to put even me in the poor house,"

"You know I wind up just dumping it back into Ambassador's," Jennie's voice shrugged, "And it's not like I have anything to spend it on. But I have been thinking of buying a house,"

"A house?" Lisa repeated, making her way into the entrance of the beautiful building.

"Mhm," Jennie replied, "Once I'm actually pregnant,"

And there was that soft tone Lisa liked to listen to. It was a tone that she identified with Jennie and the baby. It was... Maternal. Strong, but wistful and warm. Lisa waved a greeting to the hostess, who pointed in a direction.

"Well, I'm working on that," Lisa muttered, her heels clacking on marble flooring, expensive slacks swishing around her ankles. She opened a door and leaned in, frowning as she inhaled. She heard Jennie laugh.

"And so hard, too," Jennie taunted over the line, "But you still weren't listening to my story!"

"Of course I was," Lisa picked an object up, "And I think you're being ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with this milk,"

"What? How do you – wait, are you here?"

Lisa laughed as the line clicked, and she put her phone away. Really, the milk wasn't off at all. Soon, she saw Jennie garbed in her chef coat and pants, hair in a messy bun.


"Hey! Here, for dinner?"

Lisa shook her head, "We're going to that new Bistro you've been talking about on 7th," She shut the fridge and almost slipped in some liquid a cook had spilled on the ground in the kitchen.

"Oh really?" The shorter woman grinned and started to remove her coat, walking toward the back office.

"Mhm," Lisa hummed her confirmation, "Somi was telling me about her dinner there the other weekend, and said she had a Grilled Bourbon Salmon that was better than Ambassador's Honey Mead Salmon,"

Jennie paused, her expressive blue eyes narrowing, "Come on, I'll leave my car here. You're ready to go?"

Lisa smiled, "Apparently," She lead the way out of the restaurant and back to her car, and she swore she heard Jennie's soft growl say something that sounded like, 'traitor.'


"Don't you dare," Lisa glared up at Jennie, panting. The woman's breasts were shifting and bouncing as she rolled her hips on top of Lisa's cock inside of her.

"That's the fourth time," Jennie gasped, bracing her hands flat on Lisa's tensed abdomen for balance, letting her thighs pull her off the length and then fall back down fluidly. Lisa wanted so badly to roll them over and have her way with the woman, but Jennie was in one of her dominant moods. While it turned her on like nothing else, it also drove Lisa up a wall.

Lisa was filling Jennie so nicely, and her insides were clenching at the fullness. She was sweating and heaving on top of the brunette, eyes closed and head tossed back. The sound of skin slapping on skin sounded through Lisa's bedroom, and the bottom woman was thrusting up every time Jennie sunk down.

Then, the rude pierce of Jennie's cellphone vibrating on the wooden nightstand split the room, and Jennie groaned. She was so close. But she had to answer it. It might be the restaurant.

"Jennie, I swear to God-"


Lisa growled and blew air out of her mouth in distain. She was already so pressurized. Her cock throbbed inside the velvet heat of Jennie, and she had only been resisting so far as to let Jennie orgasm first.

"Jennie? Where the fuck have you been?"


Hearing her best friend's name, Lisa threw all reason out the window. She sat up and latched her mouth onto Jennie's neck, wrapped her arms under Jennie's thighs, and pumped her hips up and into the woman sitting on her cock. Jennie bit her lip to keep from moaning. Oh, she was going to kill Lisa. After this call. And after she came. Obviously.

"Seriously, I've been calling for 10 minutes! And – wait – why are you breathing so hard?"

"I-I'm running," Jennie panted, shutting her eyes as Lisa kept thrusting into her, the head of her dick rubbing over the ridge inside her that was almost an instant orgasm. She gripped Lisa's shoulder and helped bounce on the throbbing dick.

"Is Lisa with you? She's not picking up,"

"Uh, I think she's," Jennie bit her lip. Hard. Lisa had pushed Jennie's shoulders back, and the angle change was intense as Lisa bottomed out, "uh, at her apartment,"

"Could you stop running? Jesus," Seulgi's voice silkened out, "Well when you see her, since you're always over there, could you tell her I called? Like a hundred times?"

Lisa was fucking her in earnest now, and she put her lips in Jennie's hair, "I'm going to come inside of you, and I'd rather not do it with Seulgi Kang listening," she bit the sensitive ear she was whispering into, and Jennie whined.

"Anyways, Jennie, I've actually been meaning to talk to you-" Seulgi blathered on, and Jennie put everything she had into stifling a moan before cutting the club owner off.

"Seulgi, can you hold on?"

Not waiting for an answer, Jennie threw the phone to the other side of the bed and pushed Lisa down, bouncing up and down on the hot and hard length inside of her.

"God, Lisa, I'm close," she panted, her voice unusually high, "Just hold on,"

"Jennie," Lisa complained, her toes curling as she watched the breasts above her bounce, "My foot is cramping,"

"Hold on, hold on, hold on," Jennie chanted, chasing her well-earned orgasm, "Ah, fuck- Lisa!"

Jennie's insides clamped down hard on Lisa's dick, and she tossed her head, honey locks flying as she came. Lisa curled her hips in the air, getting as deep as possible into the woman before she came hotly in one, two, three strokes.

Jennie collapsed on top of Lisa, panting and sweating. Her mouth curled, and she kissed Lisa soundly when the woman turned her head. Blindly, Lisa searched the sheets for the phone and put it to her ear when she found it.

"Hello?" she rasped out, breaking from the wonderful lips. Jennie rolled off of her to pant on her back.

"Lisa? Wait, I thought Jennie – oh my god. No. No," the horror in the woman's voice was evident, "Please God tell me those sounds weren't what I think they were. Lisa?"

"Is anyone dead, Seulgi?"

"What? No? I can't believe –"

"Good night, Seulgi,"

The wide eyes stared at her phone as the line went dead.


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