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"Jennie, I don't understand-"


Lisa rolled her eyes and shut her apartment door behind her.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Jennie snapped, tossing her coat over the back of the couch, Lisa's green eyes following the act shrewdly.

"Why did you just do that?" She ground, "I've told you a million times-"

"It doesn't matter, Lisa! I put it away after I change and you know that!"

"Why won't you respect that I like some things a certain way?" She growled, her voice raising slightly.

"Some things?" Jennie repeated scornfully, "Some things? Lisa, you have a whole system for how you fold your laundry! And put the dishes away, and you fucking pee in the middle of the night!"

The brunette blanched.


Jennie huffed, deeply irritated.

"You always get out of bed to pee in the middle of the night, and for some reason, you never flush the fucking toilet! And, Lisa, and you leave the seat up!"

The brunette's jaw worked angrily.

"Because I wake up before you and put it down anyway, and I don't want to wake you up in the middle of the night with the noise!" She ran a hand through her hair, "Is that what this is really about, Jennie?"

The blonde huffed and folded her arms, looking away.

"I know I sound crazy, but Lili," her eyes narrowed, "It bothers me so much,"

Lisa grit her teeth, "I don't know what you want me to do about it. I have to pee after sex to keep everything, you know," she gestured vaguely towards her pelvis, "clean,"

Jennie raised an eyebrow, eyeing the woman's crotch, "Then why don't you just pee directly afterwards?"

The brunette huffed sharply, "Because! You don't like it when I leave directly afterwards!"

"Oh my god, Lisa, I meant leave the apartment!" Jennie tried to calm down, "I can survive 5 minutes,"

The brunette scowled and looked away, "Fine then, I'll just fuck you, leave, piss, and then have a glass of scotch and read the paper!"

Jennie's head reared backwards, and she eyed the pouting executive.

"Lisa," she started hesitantly, "Look, I'm sorry for not being direct to start with. But what in the hell is wrong with you?"

Lisa bit her lip and crossed her arms, exhaling slowly as she scuffed the waxed floor. Jennie waited.

"I don't like to leave right after, okay?" Lisa muttered.

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