Chapter 10 ~ Your Something To Me

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I don’t attend work the next day, and I get a text from Zayn at nine, “Sweetheart” it say’s “why didn’t you come in today?” I ignore it though I feel bad, at ten he sends another one “Is everything okay?” I ignore that to, and sit in bed with a box of tissues and cry, I try to watch romantic movies, and looks at romantic books, but can’t stomach, I know I’m a failure, I fill in love with some famous pop star from a boy band, and now its falling apart, cause of me, cause I couldn’t stick to what I should have. At eleven another text “Tilly I’d like to see you, we need to talk can you come out?” I look at the text for a while and I text back that time I say simply “I’m sick I can’t” when I send it I think I’ve lied to him, but I haven’t I’m sick, alright, I’m sick in the head! He sends one back “Can I come round then?”  he asks “No its contagious” I send it and think sourly I don’t think Zayn could catch it thought he’s not sick in the head, he’s down to earth, sweet, caring and kind. “I don’t mind I need to see you Tilly, where do ya live?” I smile slightly he’s so persistent maybe he does care, maybe I’m not crazy, but then it hits me maybe he need to break up with me, the New Zealand tour is nearly over maybe he needs to say goodbye to me. I chuck the phone on the other side of them room, and cry into my pillow.

I hear the text tone I don’t know how many hours later, I retrieve the phone and look at the text “Tilly are you alright? I need to speak with you love, please text me back” three whole hours later Zayn is still texting me “I’m sorry I fill asleep, I think I’ve got a flu, maybe can we talk tomorrow Zayn, I’m not well, I’m real sick” he texts back “Let me see you now Tilly, I can help you really, its important I speak with you so let me come round” I tell myself to let him so I text him back “alright I live at 177, Yanga Street, Christchurch” he texts back “alright leaving right now” I get up and make the bed, and tidy the place just a bit, the doorbell sounds twenty nine minutes later, I drag myself to the door, and open it. The first thing Zayn does is wrap his arms around me and holds me close, I sigh.

Then we sit down on the lounge and we talk “I’m no better then you Tilly” he begins “I might have money, and fame, and all that but I’m not any better then you” I sigh “I don’t deserve you though Zayn” I say “But you do” he argues “we deserve each other” “I’m not good enough for you, and your to good for me” I say, tears sting my eyes “Tilly that’s not true” he protest “you’re an amazing girl” he brushes my cheek “I really love you, and that’s true, its not a lie, I need you, and you need me” “But I’m a nothing, a no body, I’m a let down, a loser, I’m dumb and useless” I sob, Zayn cuddles me “Your none of those things Tilly your something to me” I blink back tears, and swallow my sadness ever so slightly “Are you sure Zayn?” I ask a tiny whisper “Your something to me, your special, and important, and I love you deeply” we sit just cuddling, and I wonder how this could ever work though, he’s famous, on tour, and I’m a New Zealander, that started off wanting to bribe him to do what I wanted him to do.

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