Chapter 15 ~ Love Is In The Air

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I cry all the way up on the elevator. I knock on the door, with a shaky hand, and a troubled heavy heart, Niall answers. He looks surprised to see me. “Hi Tilly” he says “Hi” I say “these are for you, and this note is for Zayn” I say, and wipe my cheeks “come in” he says “Zayn wants to see you” “he does?” I ask curiously “he does” he replies. I walk in. The guys rush past me, and out the door and I see Zayn sitting on his bed, alone, and lost. Holding his phone. He looks up to see me. I walk over to him, and sit down. I hand him the note. He looks at it, reading it carefully. “I want so much to believe” he says, I sigh “its true though, all of it” I say he tries to smile “I want to believe it Tilly but how can I?” he asks, I shake my head “I’m so embarrassed, so shamed” I tell him, he holds my hand in his hands. “I want to love you again Tilly, but yesterday did it” he tells me.

I swallow, “Zayn, Jerome is bad news, he doesn’t want me to be happy, never ever has he wanted me to be happy” I say, my voice a whisper, “we dated briefly, he forced me into dating him, he bribed me, promised me that he’ll be the best, the one” I take a breath “but it was all a joke, some sour fun, when I came to my senses we broke up, we parted ways” I wipe tears from my cheeks and force myself to breath, “I tried hard to move on, I tried hard to find someone who valued me, and wouldn’t use me, I didn’t find anybody, Jerome was happiest when I was saddest, a few days after our split, he came back to me, forced himself on me against my better will” I explain, sour memories float to the surface in my head. “We broke up Jerome and I, cause he cheated on me” Zayn studies my face, and I wonder if he believes this, or if he reckons this is a pretty good story, I made up.

“You said he forced himself on to you, did he go any further?” Zayn asks, I look up at him “yes” I say quietly Zayn looks stricken, annoyed half angry “How many times did he force himself on you?” he asks, I don’t answer, silent, tears flow quickly down my face “How many times?” he asks again, I finally find my voice, and look him the face “he went much further then force himself on me” I say Zayn catches on to what I means, his face falls, “How many times?” he asks again “at least three, yesterday it would have been four times, but you turned up” Zayn swallows “you mean, he’s raped you three times?” Zayn asks, I just nod “so once after you broke up, and then what about the other times?” Zayn asks “before we broke up he raped me to, when he was drunk, I should have left them, but I trusted him, I wanted to believe him” I explain.

We sit in silence, “Then, when I finally found a new boyfriend, he came back, and cause I was happy he had his way with me again” I say, my body shakes, when ever I was happy, or when I came to my senses, he’d have his way with me, mess me right up” I say Zayn holds me tightly in his arms, as I cry, “that’s why I wanted to get revenge on him” I choke “that’s why I wanted it so badly, that’s why Zayn” I say, Zayn looks into my eyes “why didn’t you report him, why didn’t you say this to the police?” he asks “because his mates. If I did anything to him, his mates would come to fix me up to, and there are a lot of them” I sob, he holds me a bit tighter “I wish you told me this before” he says “that why I doubted you Zayn, that’s why I was scared to trust you” I tell him “but we, went a bit further” Zayn says “yea, we made out, that’s right, but, I wanted to, it was my choice, your choice” I say Zayn nods “its different I understand, but three times Tilly and you never spoke up” “How can you” I protest “when he say no body will believe me, I had an supportive family, no real friends no one to trust” I say Zayn cuddles me closer.

“I’m sorry Till,” he says “I’m real sorry this happened, I trust you Till, I do” he says, my face is wet with tears, but in amongst that all Zayn turns my face to his and kisses me so softly, so gently. And some how I try my hardest to push out that bad memories away. “I would have never have guessed” he says after a while “Jerome is good at what he does” I say gently “I’d love to have him on a plate” Zayn says “I don’t want trouble Zayn” I say “maybe, if you want, can I come with you?” Zayn smiles, hugs me so tightly, and I know the answer even before he speaks it.

“Of course” he says so softly “I love you, I’m sorry I doubted you” he hugs me again, “I love you” he says into my hair. We cuddle for a while. We talk for a while, and I know no matter what he has me, and I have him, and I believe then in forever and always.

 Months after that, I was away from New Zealand, my world was getting brighter, and I had to thank for that Zayn. I never saw Jerome again, I never felt the way I use to. Maybe you could say that Zayn bribed me, bribed me into love, by providing shelter, and him and his understanding and his love. I don’t know. But I had set out to set him up, I was prepared to bribe him with all of me, all I had. But in return Zayn has given me a bright future, everything I dreamed of plus so much more. None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for Zayn, I would have never be freed, and never would have felt like this ever.

So Zayn I thank you, I love you, I appreciate you, I need you. And most of all I trust you and believe you. ~ Tilly

I Tilly, love you to, I thank you for being the most wonderful amazing girl to capture my heart, for being what I needed, when I needed and most of all for loving me, I thank you for being you, and trying your hardest to show your true colours to me, I trust you with all my heart, and I believe you every step of the way. ~ Zayn

The End


First I’d like to start of with the ending was hard to write. I didn’t want to write about Tilly being or getting raped, I didn’t want her to be the cheat, and I didn’t want her to be a bad person or anything like that. I knew I wanted a sweet and good ending. So I believe that’s what it’s got, you can decide that, so leave a comment, I love when you do thatJ.

There were a few inspirations that helped me write this.

I was bullied when I was a kid, and sometimes I wished for revenge, and stuff. Well that’s the first bit of inspiration,

My other was about abusive relationship like Tilly and her ex Jerome, that was a rough and unfair relationship.

I hope to believe that all/everybody, will get a true love in there life,

And yea that’s pretty much that inspired.

So tell me what you think.

Hope you enjoyed reading it, you’ll comment on it, maybe vote for it to J


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