I Don't Know what I want.

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When the final check of the night came you couldn't even look in Monty's direction. The events from earlier still played in your mind.
Hector had you work on Chicas inspection that night as she was one of the only other agreeable animatronic aside from Freddy. Through the whole inspection you felt Monty's eyes burning in the back of your head. No one dared to call him out on it as the animatronic was known to be temperamental.
"Is everything ok? (Y/N)" Chica asked suddenly breaking out of your concentration.
"Y-Yeah why?" you asked looking up at her.
This inspection finally gave you a chance to take a look at the last animatronic you had yet to get fully acquainted with. Chica was the shortest of the four with blonde hair and magenta eyes, her stage costume was a pink bodysuit with a blue fish net long sleeve over top. Her 80's aerobic instructor look was complete with leg warmers and fingerless gloves, and accessorized with some triangular green earrings.
"My sensors are picking up on an increase in heart rate" She said with concern.
At this everyone turned to look at you.
"If what she's saying is true, I have to ask, are you ok?" Hector asked as he stopped working on Monty and head over to you.
"Y-yeah, probably just the Fizzy Faz I had before heading down here." You said.
Lying wasn't your specialty, and you hated doing it, but there was no way you were going to out yourself for getting hot and flustered over an animatronic man with an alligator tail.
"Yeah they do tend to load that thing with caffeine" Dante said, saving you from any further embarrassment.
"Hm, well just lay off the Fizzy Faz for a bit ok (Y/N)?" Hector said with a small smile. "Since your heart rate is so high that Chica's sensor went off I think it may be best that you head home. Well see you tomorrow for your first over night shift."
"Ok boss" you replied with your own sad smile of your own.
By the time you finished packing your things up and began walking past Rockstar Row you could still see some parents and kids lingering before the Plex officially closed.
"Hey Princess!" You heard Monty yell out from his room.
Stopping in your tracks you turned around and shifted your weight onto one leg.
"Can I help you Montgomery?" you asked haughtily.
"C'mere a second." He said as he waved you into his room.
As you approached him at his door you questioned him once more.
You never were able to finish your question before Monty pulled you into his room.
"Wh- Why?" You asked.
"What Chica said, I want to make sure you are ok" He explained plainly.
Did this animatronic care about you? Well yeah his programing made it so that he was attentive to guests and staff as well as their well being, but why would he go to such lengths.
"Why are you doing this" You questioned.
"I already told you, Chica said-"
"No not just that. You seek me out for maintenance, you take me through Monty Golf on a ride, and now you pulled me aside to check on my health. No amount of AI tech would make an animatronic THIS attentive." You explained cutting him off.
You saw Monty's eyes widen and what looked like a slight blush dust his cheeks. Letting out a low growl Monty set his eyes into a glare. There was a long pause before he finally spoke.
"Fine then, then leave." He said lowly
"I said LEAVE" He roared.
His roar terrified you more than the actual situation, causing your fight or flight to kick in. You took off in a hurry out of the Gators dressing room. As you speed walked past the remaining two rooms you could hear Monty trashing his dressing room in rage.
Tears of fear started to form in your eyes as you raced through the Plex to the employee exit. As you were wiping them away you failed to notice the animatronic that stood in your way.
"I knew you weren't feeling good sweetie" a voice said.
As you looked up you noticed Chica looking at you with a soft concerned look.
"Come on let's go to my room and talk." She said as she led you to her room like a lost child.
Not caring, you decided to follow her and receive some comfort. She sat you on her sofa and passed you a bowl of sweets.
"Now tell me what happened," Chica said as she sat beside you.
Feeling you could trust this animatronic you decided to tell her all about the things Monty did. From pulling you into his dressing room to taking you on a self-proclaimed date. You felt a bit embarrassed that you were confiding in an animatronic about another animatronic.
"And how do YOU feel about it all?" She asked as she played with your hair soothingly.
"I-I don't know! No offense but I can't catch feelings for an animatronic! It's not normal!" You cried out.
"I understand, but I think Monty may have feeling for you too. Those days you were at school Monty was a nervous wreck, he was off his game and super jumpy! I've never seen him act so not himself. He probably though he scared you off!" Chica said with a laugh.
"What do I do Chica?" You asked looking into her magenta eyes.
"What do you think you should do?" She replied.
"I guess I'll see where and how things go, I have to admit he is attractive, I just can't get past the animatronic aspect." You explained.
"Which is understandable..." Chica said trailing off "Oh goodness! We better get you to those employee doors before they lock for the end of the night. May I? It will be much faster!" She said as she held out her arms.
Allowing the animatronic to pick you up bridal style she began running through the Plex to the employee exit. She had gotten you there just in time. As soon as you walked out the door you heard the door lock, and the safety measures engage.
You made your way across the parking lot to your vehicle and started on your way home.
The next day was the day of your overnight shift with Hector. After final check you waited in the office until everyone had cleared out of the building. Monty had been acting odd that day, almost completely ignoring you. When he did interact with you he seemed to shrug your presence off.
Spinning in your chair you listened to Hectors music as he went over the paperwork for the day. He had already explained to you how to correctly file paperwork and impute the notes from the day, so that left you to watch him go over paperwork in utter boredom.
"Hey, (Y/N)?" Hector said gaining your attention.
"Yeah boss?" You replied sitting up straight.
"Why don't you take a walk around the plex. The security bots should have you in there system so there shouldn't be any issues with that." He said offering you a small smile.
Thanking him, you exited Parts and Services and began walking around the Plex avoiding all the security bots you could, what could you say they freaked you out. It wasn't until you reached the second floor near Mazersize that a bot turned unexpectedly and signed its flashlight in your face. The bot let out a shrill alarm and seemingly waved someone over at the "intruded". Startled by the bots reaction you took off running. Why you were running you didn't know, it wasn't like you did anything wrong. Your speed only increased as you heard heavy footsteps following in pursuit.
Not knowing what to do you dove into the nearest hiding spot, which just so happened to be a stroller with a sun visor. You held your breath as best you could as you waited for the danger to pass. The only sound you could hear was the sound of your own blood rushing to your ear drums.
"Hey kid, come on out! Were only trying to help." You heard Monty say as he stood in front of the stroller.
Cursing to yourself you slowly uncovered the stroller and stepped out.
"Oh, its you" he said with a disgusted tone.
He never gave you a chance to reply as he had already started walking away, tail swishing angrily behind him.
"M-Monty wait!" You yelled as you jogged to keep up with the fast paced animatronic.
Ignoring your call he continues to walk through the plex seemingly doing a security check.
"I said WAIT" you yelled as you sprinted up to him.
You were too far to grab his shoulder, so you opted for the next closest thing, his tail. Giving it a harsh yank, you noticed Monty still. There was a pause before Monty slowly turned towards you, teeth bared, and his eyes set in a glare.
"Let.go" he ground out between his teeth.
"Not until you agree to talk to me" you said defiantly as you still held tightly on to his tail.
Letting out a warning growl Monty attempted to turn and fully face you, but just like a regular gator it was difficult to do with you holding on to his tail. Giving it another harsh tug, you lifted an eyebrow expectantly.
"Ugh, fine just let go of my tail" He said defeatedly.
Slowly you let go of his tail and waited for him to turn around fully. Giving you an expectant look, he waited for you to begin speaking.
"I-In private" you mumbled.
"If were gonna talk privately, we do it where I wanna go" he said with a scowl.
Before you knew it you were unsurprisingly in Monty Golf, what you weren't expecting was for Monty to pull you through the mist of a waterfall into a hidden cave.
"Woah, I didn't know this was here" You said as you looked around the cave with wonder.
"That's the point" Monty grumbled as he lead you deeper into the cave.
It wasn't until you reached what looked like a small living space did Monty finally stop.
"How did you manage to sneak all of this in here?" You asked.
"When you break s*** as much as I do, you tend to find where they keep the spares." He replied as he sat on the sofa.
Throwing his arms over the back of the sofa he crossed his legs and beaconed you over. You felt like a teenage girl again who was left alone with a boy for the first time. You slowly made your way over to the sofa and attempted to sit as far from Monty as possible.
"What did you want to talk about?" He asked in a bored tone.
"I- um, so I-" you began, tripping over your words "Are you mad at me?"
Giving you a confused look Monty sat up straighter.
"Oh, right. Well you didn't like my presence so much, so I told you to get lost. Simple" He said.
"But I-" You started.
"I get it, I get it. "Monty's too aggressive, Monty is so full of himself, Couldn't they have made a less intimidating animatronic."" He said as he stood and began pacing. "Well guess what! This is how MONTY is programed, this is MONTY'S personality!" He finished yelling
Monty began throwing punches at the cave wall which caused bits of the cave to crumble and fall from up ahead. You had no idea that these animatronics were so hyper sentient that they could feel things like disappointment, and anger to this level. Standing quickly, you made your way over to where Monty was throwing punches at the wall. Ducking under his arm you wrapped your arms around his waist and placed your head on his chest. His synthetic skin was hot due to his rage, and you could hear his internal fans working on over time to try and cool him.
When you hugged him you felt all of his movements come to a halt. Slowly you felt his arms wrap around your frame, his face was buried into your hair as he took deep breaths to calm himself down.
"Monty, I wasn't mad at you, I guess I'm just confused as to why you kept seeking ME out specifically" You explained.
"Honestly, I'm not too sure myself" He said in a low tone as he held you.
"Figure this out together?" You offered.
"Figure this out together" He replied.

Chapter Management

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