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"Demonic omens, like a friggin' tidal wave," Bobby says, staring down at the variet of material littering his desk. "Cattle deaths, lightning storms. They skyrocketed from out of nowhere, all around here—" he unfolds a map and points to Wyoming, "—except for one place. Southern Wyoming."

"Wyoming?" Dean asks with furrowed brows.

"That one area's totally clean—spotless. It's almost as if the demons are surrounding it."

"But you don't know why?"

"No," Bobby scoffs. "And by this point, my eyes are swimming. Sam, would you take a look at it? Maybe you can catch something my eyes couldn't."

Dean glowers at Bobby.

If there's one thing he's thankful for, it's that Bobby nailed Wyoming down. The crossroads demon told him as much. Now, hopefully Dean wouldn't have to come out and say exactly where Katherine is. Wouldn't have to explain how he came across this knowledge. Wouldn't have to suffer the berratement of not only Sam and Bobby, but Katherine too, once they got to her.

"Sure," Sam hums, nodding.

"C'mon, Dean," Bobby says, waving Dean across the room. "I got more books in the trunk. Help me lug 'em in?"

Hesitantly, Dean follows after the old hunter. Once outside, he turns into a Bobby Singer Dean hadn't yet met.

"You stupid ass," Bobby snarls, turning on Dean. "What did you do?" Dean glances away from him, and Bobby grips Dean's collar. "What did you do?! You made a deal for Sam, didn't you?"

"And Katherine," Dean says.

Bobby's face is still overtaken with fury, and Dean can't bring himself to be angry with him. Why should he? "How long'd they give you?"


"How long?!"

It's a roar that echoes across the junkyard. Dean's never seen Bobby so hurt. Furious. His eyes are glassy with tears, angry or sad, he doesn't know. Perhaps both. And Dean finds it so hard to look him in the eye as he answers, "One year."

"Dammit, Dean!" Bobby cries.

"Which is why we've got to find this Yellow-eyed son of a bitch," Dean continues. "I'm gonna kill him myself...I ain't got nothin' to lose now, espeically since he's possessing Katherine, and the demon I talked to told me where she is."

"I hope we do find her," Bobby snarls. "I hope we do, so she'd kick your ass twice as bad as I ever would!" Bobby starts pacing. "What is it with you Winchesters, huh?" He growls. "You, your daddy, you're just itchin' to throw yourselves in the pit!"

"That's my point," Dean says, the opposite of calm but in the most minute sense. Tears are rising in his throat. "Dad brought me back, Bobby. I'm not even supposed to be here. At least this way, something good can come out of it, huh? It's like my life can mean somethin'."

"And it didn't before?!" Bobby cries. He stares at Dean for a long moment. Hollow. "Have you got that low of an opinion of yourself?! Are you that screwed in the head?!" He takes a hold of Dean's jacket collar again. "Oh, I ought to let Katherine Donovan get a hold of 'ya!"

"I couldn't let him die, Bobby," Dean whispers, shaking his head, even unable to help the crack in his voice. "He's my brother. And I...I couldn't let that demon keep Katherine. No way."

"How is your brother gonna feel when he knows you're going to Hell?" Bobby asks. "And that girl? How did you feel when you knew your Dad went for you?"

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