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Katherine trails her fingers over the paper maché diorama of Blackwater Ridge. Sam is at her side, prattling off the geography of the place to a nearby Dean. Obviously, he's not paying much attention.

"Dude, check out the size of this friggin bear."

Katherine's eyes narrow. She isn't sure if Dean just really isn't paying attention or he's trying to get her attention. "—and a dozen plus grizzlies in the area," Katherine adds to Sam's brief history, voice laced with bravado. As she speaks, she turns on her heels to stare at Dean. She crosses her arms. "Told you there were bears."

"You three aren't planning on going out to Blackwater Ridge by any chance?" They all turn to an older man, a park ranger, staring at them with a hand on his hip and a cup of coffee in his other. 

"Oh, no sir," Sam quickly answers. Katherine gives him a look. Dean is exasperated. "We're environmental study majors from UC Boulder, just working on a paper."

"Recycle, man," Dean enthuses, weakly thrusting his fist into the air. Katherine rubs her temple.

"Bull," the ranger says. Sam's courteous smile drops. "You're friends wth that Hailey girl, right?"

"Yes," Dean quickly answers. "Yes we are, Ranger...Wilkinson."

"Well, I will tell you exactly what I told her," the man begins, nearing the hunters. "Her brother filled out a back country permit saying he wouldn't be back from Blackwater until the 24th, so it's not exactly a missing persons, now, is it?" Katherine shakes her head. "Tell that girl to quit worrying." He shakes his head, starting away from the three. "I'm sure her brother's just fine."

"We will," Katherine says with a nod.

"Boy, that Hailey girl's quite a pistol, huh?" Dean remarks. Katherine sighs, turning away from him, and back to the photograph Dean was gazing upon earlier. 

"That is putting it mildly," Ranger Wilkinson pronounces, shaking his head once more.

"Actually, you know what could help is if I could show her a copy of that backcountry permit," Dean continues. "You know, so she can see her brother's return date."

Ranger Wilkinson purses his lips, contemplating. "Aw, what the hell. Follow me."

Katherine hates to give it to Dean. She really hates it. She'd love nothing more if he screwed up so she could be even angrier with him, but he's good. He got a copy of the permit without an ounce of suspicion from Ranger Wilkinson. 

Dean laughs triumphantly, starting down the steps of the lodge. "What, are you cruising for a hookup or something?" Sam questions.

Dean frowns. "What do you mean?"

"The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge," Sam continues, his volume rising with his frustration. "So what are we waiting for? Let's just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl?!"

"Maybe we should know what we're walking into," Katherine voices with a light shrug. "And maybe this is what your dad was looking into."

"Since when are you 'shoot first and ask questions later'?" Dean asks his brother. 

"Since now."

"Oh, really?" Dean squeaks, delight transforming his scowl completely. He turns to Katherine with a smug smirk. She scoffs, a noise coming from the back of her throat, as she climbs into the back of the Impala. She sounded almost offended. "What?" He defends.

Katherine leans forward and snatches the paper from Dean and reads it aloud to give the brothers the same details she has. 

Upon reaching Hailey's house, Katherine tucks the permit into her jacket and starts up the porch stairs with Sam and Dean behind her. Before they've even finished climbing, she's knocking on the door. Seconds later, a young woman, perhaps a few inches shorter than Katherine, answers the door. She has shoulder-length curly brown hair and big blue eyes, high cheekbones and a square jaw.

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