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"So you know who I am, huh?"

"Yeah," Katherine replies, her pitch rising a bit at the end of the word as she shrugs. "We're not impressed." She stands upright, prepared for anything—anything she would expect, anyway. She's not even sure a devil's trap can hold something as awful as Envy.

"Why are you here?" Sam asks. "What are you after?"

No answer.

"He asked you a question," Dean says, circling the perimeter of the devil's trap. "What do you want?"

Envy's blue eyes are bright with mischief as he glances between the hunters, their expressions ranging from blank to entirely pissed off. Katherine's expression is naturally a bit bitchier in the presence of demons.

He laughs a little, and Katherine pulls out that infamous squirt gun and squeezes the orange trigger.

Envy clicks his tongue. "I've heard of Katherine Louise and her twisted sense of humor," he says.

"I've got a Super Soaker in the trunk," she chirps, starting towards him. "You wanna get to talking, or should I bust that out?"

"We already have what we want," Envy snarls.

Dean's brow quirks. "What's that?" He asks with that classic "I'll kick your ass" smile, the reckless bravado he and Katherine seemed to share. A challenge with bared, sharp teeth.

"We're out." The demon glances to Katherine. "We're free. Thanks to you, my kind are everywhere. I am Legion, for we are many—"

"Don't you quote the bible to me, you bastard," she says through her teeth.

"I'm just celebrating," Envy whispers to her, glossy eyes dancing over her features. "Having a little fun."

"Fun?" Sam repeats.

"Yeah—fun. See, some people crochet, others golf...your friend here likes to break out this squirt gun." Envy shrugs. "But me," the demon continues says, smiling a bit. "I like to see people's insides on their outside."

Tamara takes one step inside the devil's trap. "I'm gonna put you down like a dog," she threatens.

"Please," Envy scoffs, then laughs. "You really think you all are better than me?"

"Our grammar is," Katherine says. Then she shrugs. "Usually."

"Which one of you can cast the first stone, huh?" Envy questions, sitting up straighter. Another biblical reference. "What about you, Dean? You're practically a walking billboard for gluttony and lust! And our two favorite girls," he continues, sharp blue eyes flitting to Tamara and Katherine. "All that wrath—oh, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. It's the reason you and Isaac became hunters, isn't it, Tamara? It's so much easier to drink in the rage than to face what really happened all those years ago."

Tamara backhands the demon. Before she can swing again, Katherine pulls Tamara out of the devil's trap.

"Woo!" Envy flexes his jaw and laughs. "My point exactly! And you call us sins. We're not sins, man! We are natural human instinct," he pronounces. "And you can repress and deny us all you want, but the truth is, you all are just animals. Horny, greedy, hungry—" he scoffs. "Violent animals. And you know what? You'll all be slaughtered like animals, too."

"I wouldn't bet on that," Katherine hums.

"The others," Envy says. "They're coming for me." He leans back in his chair with confidence. The demon never really struggled, now that Katherine thinks about it.

If the six other sins are coming, would the five of them be able to hold up against them? That's at least one demon per person. She and her father have faced worse odds. But the sins...

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