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"This is Clay Donovan—"

Katherine hangs up and tosses her phone onto the bed. She sighs, spreading her knees, and rests her head in her hands.

"Can't sleep?" She looks up. Dean leans against the doorway of the connecting motel rooms, two beer bottles in his hand. Katherine shakes her head, then she gives him a wry look.

"It's four AM and you're already drinking?"

"Mind if I come in?"

Katherine sighs, leaning back in her chair. "Sure." Dean pushes himself up from the frame, shuts the door, and strides over to her, setting one of the two bottles before her. "I hope you took me to Bora Bora."


"Earlier today, when we were hunting Ghostie McGee, you told Neighbor Joe we'd just gotten back from our honeymoon. I hope you took me to Bora Bora."

Dean laughs a little. "What's that you're listening to?" He asks after a moment. 

"Neon Moon," she replies, reaching for a bottle of Michelob. "The antithesis of your style."

Dean chuckles. "Brooks & Dunn can be cool." Katherine makes a noise of appreciation. 

"You aren't a five-cassette wonder," she muses. A fond smile tugs at the corner of her full lips, and that apostrophe appears again. Dean leans over and kisses her right over the little indentation, his fingers barely hooking with hers. "My mom would teach me how to dance when I was little," Katherine tells him. "We'd spend hours in the living room...I'd try to mimic her the best I could. She was a good dancer."

"You danced to this?" Dean asks, gesturing to the radio. Katherine nods, her teeth catching her lower lip as she smiles. "Teach me." He stands up, pulling Katherine with him, and the young woman laughs.

"Dean Winchester wants to learn to dance?"

"'Course I do." He leans over and starts the song over before he turns back to her with a smile. 

"All right, well...I'll teach you the cowboy cha-cha, I guess." She turns her back to him and wiggles her left hand. "Come stand here...right arm over my shoulders...now hold my hands." Dean wags his eyebrows at her, grabbing her hands and she grins, wiggling her fingers. "Ease up. You're wooing a lady, not breaking a monster's hand."

"Oh. Sorry."

Katherine smiles, deepening her dimple, and adjusts his hand to hover beneath hers, their fingertips just barely hooked. "Okay, the main thing to remember is your arm. You don't wanna crush the lady, that's not cool." Dean lifts his elbow off of her shoulders, and Katherine nods. "So we cha-cha with the left. Onetwothree, rock, step back." She looks down at his feet and grins. "Heeeyy...you can listen to directions." Dean sticks the tip of his tongue out at her. "Okay, so cha-cha back with your right, rock on left, step. Good. Now we're gonna go sideways."

"Aw, shit."

"This is gonna get tricky." He nods. "But it's the same thing, you're just adding some turns." Katherine raises her eyebrow at him, and his eyes are glued to hers without even trying to resist. It's one of the few times he's been serious. "I think you're rather capable."

Katherine helps him enough through the motions, smiling and nodding as Dean smoothly transitions between directions, even spinning around rather perfectly, but then he steps on her foot. She doesn't forget about it. "Turn—carefully, carefully, care-full-ee—"

"You don't have much faith in me, do you?" He asks with a smirk, following her instructions to a tee, and watches her left socked foot slide out before her. 

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