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The one time Katherine was Sam's bed buddy, he had socked her in the face.

She cries out, cupping her jaw as she falls to the floor. It didn't even wake Dean. "Dude," Katherine grunts, pulling herself to her full height.

"Sorry," he breathes.

"You almost got your ass kicked," she mutters, grabbing her pillow and blanket. Sam shakes his head and Katherine slaps him on the back with her pillow.

"I'm sorry, Kat."

"I'll just go sleep with Princess for tonight," she murmurs, dragging her blanket behind her. "And start sleeping in the car." Dean pushes himself up a little at the commotion, turning his head over his shoulder with narrowed eyes, and watches Katherine move across the room in the darkness.

"Miss me?" He tiredly asks, dropping his head back to his pillow.

"Just don't punch me in the face," Katherine murmurs, tossing the motel pillow to the side. She replaces it with her own, drapes her blanket length-wise on the unoccupied side of the bed, and pulls her other one over her. Dean's heavy, bare arm instantly reaches over and drapes around the back of Katherine's shoulders. "You're suffocating me," she grunts.

"You're in my arm space."

Katherine rolls her back to shift his arm to her waist. She flops down onto her stomach with a heavy sigh, closes her eyes, and slowly drifts back to sleep.

Her jaw aches when she wakes again, face too hot from being too close to Dean's arm. They're both hotboxes. She pushes herself away from him and rolls onto her side with a furrowed brow. "Now I'm cold," Dean mutters, tucking his shoulder underneath the motel comforter. "How'd you end up over here?" He asks, having no recollection of a few hours earlier.

"What?" She grunts, eyes still closed.

"You bunked with Sam. Why'd you move?"

"Because Sam punched me in the face," she sighs, sitting up, and flexes her jaw.

She took a shower last night, so she doesn't have to wait to get dressed. She doesn't pay any mind to Dean as she dresses on the other side of the holey divider, and he doesn't try to look.

"I think I found something," she sings, prancing across the room. She's in much higher spirits, having eaten and actually woken up. She spins on the toes of her shoes and flops back-first onto the bed. Dean raises a brow at her from across the room. Sam is preoccupied with a stationery pad. "A string of animal deaths—cats, dogs, cattle—in Arizona." She looks to Dean with a grin and wiggles her eyebrows. "Chupacabra?"

"Are you sure those things are actually real?"

"Yes," Katherine says. "I told Sam about the one I ganked in Ciudad Juarez." She looks to Sam, propping herself up on her elbows. "Sam? Little help." He keeps on with the notepad. She grabs her pen from her hair and flings it at him. He jumps and looks over to her, then to Dean.

"Chupacabra, 1999," he says, looking back to his notepad.

Dean glowers. "You were thirteen. Maybe you were dreaming."

"Oh, whatever!" Katherine cries. "You're just jealous you haven't caught a chupacabra." She looks back to the ceiling with pursed lips. "So there's the possible chupacabra, and...oh. Dean found a guy in Sacramento. Dude shot himself in the head...three times. You know what I correlate with the number three? Demons." She tilts her head to look up at Sam. "Fishing boat turns up crewless on the coast of California?" She tries. No response from Sam. Her eyes narrow. "Dean and I are having sex in three—"

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