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 The following afternoon, you approach the your new friends and blink when you can't see Billy and Nick, though you shake it off. Instead, you return the welcoming smiles and Lyle's wave.

 "Hey, guys," you greet pleasantly, settling down at the table. You ignore Stuart, who audibly sighs. "How're the tasks going?"

 "I think we're doing really good; we'll be fine," Neha replies positively. She unwraps her food industriously. "How's your job?"

 You tilt your head from side to side. "Not too bad. I get a lot of reading done."

 "Of course you do, dumbass, you're in a library," Stuart mutters clearly without looking up from the small screen in front of his face. You refuse to acknowledge that comment and instead ask what the task entailed. Once they explain about the debugging debacle, you realise that must be why Billy and Nick are missing. You can't help but chuckle over their inability to complete the task.

 "No, I wouldn't have a clue where to start," you laugh, taking a sip of your drink.

 Stuart snorts humourlessly. "Why am I not surprised?" He looks up and you throw him a dirty look.

 "Anyway," Neha says loudly, cutting off the potentially brewing argument. The hostility between you and Stuart is growing evident; you have no idea why he has decided to be so rude to you and it boils your blood. You have to fight the urge to slap the beanie from his head. "We had to get rid of them. Instead we sent them on a search for Professor X."

 "Come again?" you grin, confused and intrigued.

 "They were just getting in the way and they didn't know who he was," Yo-yo sniggers. "They found him though."

 "Oh, God," you giggle, face palming. "I feel bad for them, they have no clue."

 "Just like someone else at this table," Stuart mumbles under his breath. You slam your drink down on the table.

 "Dude, what the hell is your problem with me?" you ask angrily, folding your arms defensively. Stuart looks up and raises an eyebrow.

 "Nothing. No need to worry your pretty little head when you clearly have so many brain cells going through your brain," Stuart mocks. Your mouth opens.

 "And what's that supposed to mean?" you question. You've barely spoken to the guy before and already his rudeness is implying that just because you're not studying the so-called 'smart' stuff, you are unintelligent.

 Stuart leans forwards on his elbows, frowning at you. "I mean, seriously, what's the point of you being at Google if all you're here for is to put some books on shelves?"

 "Stuart!" Neha cries, hitting his arm with wide eyes. You notice Yo-yo curling up slightly away from your stormy expression.

 "No, it's fine. I think I'll go and sit with Billy and Nick. At least they're not total dickwads like 'someone else at this table'," you echo, grabbing your bag and marching away from them. You find Billy and Nick with ease and go to sit down huffily, your heart beating fast with aggravation, but are bumped into by another intern.

 "Do you mind where you're going?" a British accent questions imperiously, and the boy in front of you looks down at you with distaste. He frowns. "Don't you work at the library?"

 "Yes," you mutter, clenching your teeth.

 "Then why are you sitting with the interns?" he presses, folding his arms while his friends snigger behind him. You sigh irritably and push past him, wondering exactly how many douchebag interns are actually at Google. Your mood lifts when you see Billy and Nick welcoming you with warm, fatherly smiles, inviting you to sit with them.

 "Hey, guys. Stuart was getting on my nerves." You roll your eyes and sit down heavily. The pair exchange a look but before they say anything you recall what you were told.

 "Oh, I hear you went looking for Professor X," you wink, folding your arms on the table and smirking slightly, focusing on their humorous tale of getting hit by the supposed X-Man and trying to ignore the vision of Stuart glaring at you in the back of your mind.

Hello, this was crap.

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