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 Everyday seems wonderful now things seem to be running smoothly with Stuart. You have a cheesy ache in your stomach whenever you see him at lunch, the two of you finally conversing properly instead of one insulting the other. You're surprised at how much you wish you'd known about him sooner - the family he left back home, his impressive taste in music, the similar way you consider your favourite movies and TV shows.

 You find yourself impatient and restless in the final hour before your shift ends for lunch and in a warm, tight-chested state when you return to the library, smiling to yourself about the inside jokes you and Stuart seem to have created with each other and the way he looks at you with such fondness now. You were shocked when his phone, laying on the table instead of in his hand, beeped with a notification but he ignored it, instead taking a short glance before returning his attention to you.

 What makes the situation slightly more perfect is when he walks you back to work after every eating break, taking his time with slow steps as if he actually wants to spend more time talking to you. It's hard to keep your skin tingeing pink when you catch the raised eyebrows of the other interns and the almost proud nods Neha throws you.

 The shift in the relationship shifts once again when Stuart makes a suggestion one afternoon on the way back from eating, the lazy pace which the two of you are walking at highlighted by the speed at which the other Google employees are rushing past with, marching quickly past you both.

 You are just discussing your opinions on how terrible the movie Elektra* is when Stuart suddenly blurts, "You should come over so we can judge it."

 You look at him with confusion and surprise, your head snapping to face him so quickly your muscles yank and you have to cup the pain. "What?"

 Stuart keeps his eyes steady on you, raising them and talking slower as if to an imbecile, a tone similar to the condescending one he used to adopt when speaking to you before. "You should come to my flat and we can watch it."

 You don't reply for a second but raise your own eyebrows casually. "You sure we'll be good watching films together? Remember what happened last time with the Lord Of The Rings marathon?"

 "Well, everything's better now, right?" Stuart smiles, making you smile back automatically; that affect is too strong on you. He leans close, the two of you still walking, and nudges you gently, mockingly. "So we should be able to cope without you going off on one."

 "Your fault," is all you say, and he shakes his head, laughing.

 "Let's not start that again. So...this weekend? Saturday?"

 The two of you are outside the library's entrance, him looking down on you expectantly. Your stomach doesn't cease fluttering and is extremely distracting when you try to say, "Yeah, okay" as casually as possible. It's hard to believe he's actually asking you this.

The grin Stuart lets out is wider than you've ever seen it, eyes sparkling, and he ducks his head before walking off, turning back once with the smile still splashed on his face.

 It's a struggle to act calm and collected when you return to the desk but you just about manage, focusing on the stamp and the computer, but soon your mind is panicking. What do you wear? What if the two of you don't get on again?

 You pick up your phone under the desk and are just about to type a text to Neha, sure she won't let on to Stuart that you're getting overly excited by a simple, friendly request, when a text from him comes through the minute your fingers swipe the screen, startling you and making your heart flip so uncomfortably you hold your chest.

 When you read it, you have to reread several times to ensure you've got it right, your eyes skimming the thirteen words until they blur, your hold on your chest tightening so you're gripping your shirt in the sheer emotional overload you're trying to handle.

 Wish it was Sat. alreddy - cant wait 2 get u on ur own :)

*I nearly fell asleep watching that. Elektra didn't deserve such a pointless movie.

And the interns do stay in flats, right? I don't even know what to call them. Also, holy shizzle, I've been listening to binaural/asmr videos on YouTube and they were so...relaxing. And tingly. AND I'M SORRY I've been super-busy and this is short and I hate myself for it but eyy dat ending doe.

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