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Double update.

 "So what's the deal with you and Stuart?"

 You look up at Neha, cross legged on the floor and trying to reboot your phone, with confusion, a million thoughts spinning in your head. You settle on, "Huh?"

 She stares down at you from her bed, still plaiting her hair with a devious expression, intrigued, and you eye her warily. "I'm just saying, what's going on with you two? I mean, didn't he start visiting you at the library?"

 You snort and swipe your thumb across your phone screen, wiping away the smudges. "Yeah, once, a week ago. Twice if you count the time you sent him to get that book for you."

 Neha frowns, bewildered. "When did I send him to get a book for you?"

 "A while ago," you reply slowly, the two of you sharing an identical muddled look. Neha's fingers pause in her hair.

 "I've never asked him to go to the library for me, y/n," Neha says pointedly, watching your eyes widen and lips tighten with her hands still in her locks. You shake it off and look back down at your phone, watching the bar inch across the screen as it slowly turns back on.

 "Well, anyway, he started speaking to me and then he just stopped." It feels weird telling Neha these things - you didn't bring up your concerns because you didn't know how she'd react. You were terrified she would get so over excited that she would begin booking your wedding venue. Instead, when you see the thoughtful expression on her face, you suddenly wish you had consulted her sooner.

 "I thought you two just wanted to keep it a secret," she muses, and you refrain from making a gagging sound.

 "Neha, nothing...you know...romantic was happening, it was just...friendly," you insist, and Neha throws you a knowledgeable glance, almost reproving.

 "So you don't like him?" Neha questions doubtfully, and you shake your head.

 "Nope," you lie, popping the 'P', ignoring the rush of guilt coursing through your body and dropping your head again when the blush returns.

 "And you two aren't secretly dating or anything?" Neha quizzes. You sigh and confirm it's a no. Neha's lips twist into a smug grin, flipping the few free strands saved from intricate and random plaiting away from her face.

 "Well, that doesn't explain why he was going through your Facebook page the other day," Neha says distantly, her voice light and sweet. You stare at her, unable to speak, then wake yourself up.

 "What?" you mouth in a whisper, nearly dropping your phone through your fingertips. Neha looks back down with an eager smirk, excitement fizzing around her.

 "From what I saw, he was going way back through your profile. I think he was trawling back to 2008 from what I could catch, but he got all embarrassed and hid his phone," Neha ponders, watching your face change from gobsmacked to giddiness with a slow beam, almost hopeful.

 "No. No way. He wouldn't do that," is all you can stutter, but Neha drops off the bed and kneels in front of you, grabbing at your arms. It's hard to take her seriously when she has various plaits springing off her scalp like creased worms.

 "He did! He got really stroppy and walked off complaining about people looking at his phone and wouldn't sit with us for the rest of the day. He was so embarrassed, his face was bright red," Neha giggles and you can't help the laugh leave your mouth when you imagine him marching off with scarlet cheeks.

 "So?" Neha nudges you again. "Are you sure you don't like him?"

 You see the look on her face, borderline desperate, but recall - after various memories of his smile and the way his eyes seemed to burn when they looked at you, along with the images of him from a distant concentrating on his phone with his tongue tracing his lips or running around the Quiddich pitch like a madman with a stick between his legs, which have stuck with you - the way he wouldn't even talk to you, deliberately acting like you didn't exist, particularly after attempting to patch up your relationship.

 You calculate in your head that if you tell Neha you do in fact like him - those words are sour on your inner tongue - she will do anything to get the two of you together. And you don't want any awkwardness after he will obviously tell her that he can't actually stand you. You're sure he would.

 Instead of admitting to her that you like him and revelling in the girl talk laying ahead, you shake your head and say, "Never in a million years."

I can literally just imagine him storming off all upset that he got caught out checking out a girl's Facebook, idek.

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