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I KNOW I'VE BEEN GONE FOR TOO LONG oops but I've literally been so busy. It's ridiculous. I'm back right now though. I'm so sorry. I'm a bit rusty at the moment. Just like Salad Fingers.

 The amount of times you've had Neha texting you messages in capital letters, each word read as an excited squeal in your eyes, you're stuck with her glee whizzing through your mind as you pack your new variety of books into your bag, checking your watch to ensure it is indeed lunch, feeling wary and in the mood to just sigh constantly.

 You throw your bag over your shoulder and smile to yourself as you wave to the unresponsive Harry, realising Neha gets more excited than you over the prospect of a jealous, authorative Stuart, and when you turn a corner and see him waiting for you with folded arms and light eyes, the words spin faster. You approach him with slower legs, wondering why it seems they are failing to work, and wait for him to move.

 "You look tired," he notices as you begin walking, eyes flickering over your dark, lazy eyes and your drooping mouth, and you puff your cheeks out.

 "Carrie wanted me in early. The cleaner was sick and she thought I wondered mind helping out," you reply, noticing the tingle of pain in your elbows from scrubbing this morning, your hands still covered in a thin film of thick polish and slightly slippy to touch despite wi[ing your hands constantly on your jeans.

 "What time?" Stuart asks, turning a corner with you.

 "Well...half five. But I had a weird sleep," you frown, pulling your sleeves over your greasy hands and rubbing at your eyes, pausing a moment. Stuart stops next to you and you raise your head, seeing him angle his head at you like a young child or a puppy, a small smile on his face. You run your hand through your hair and sigh again before resuming the journey to your friends.

 Comfortable silence follows but once you step into the sunlight there is a strange tension, a wavering sense that a predator is watching carefully, and you are looking around at the interns warily, stepping closer to Stuart without quite realising, but his arm suddenly slips around your waist, looping so far that his hand rests on the edge of your stomach and his fingers play with your shirt. You are startled but barely respond, sleep still surrounding your brain in a haze, and you look up at him to follow his eyes to the left. Dominic is sitting sourly behind Graham, watching you both go past low in his chair with his tongue pushing against his inner cheek in irritation, his broken ego practically glowing.

 All you can think about, other than the smugness on Stuart's face - the raised eyebrows and quirked lips - is the way that you fit so snugly against his body, his arm wrapping around your middle so perfectly, and you bask in the heat from his body, trying to inhale the delicious scent of his aftershave and something that's just him without looking to obvious. He doesn't let you go once you are out of sight from Dominic and just mutters out of the corner of his mouth, "Sorry. Couldn't resist." You wonder just how sorry he is when you notice the grin on his face.

 "That's fine," you reply, but your voice is so weak and high that it barely comes out as a sound, let alone a whisper. He lets you go, his arm and hand sliding over your body in a slow drag as you both sit down - him opposite you - and you feel somewhat cold and exposed; the others glance at you both pointedly but don't say a word, though fireworks are flashing in Neha's eyes. It's a wonder she doesn't pull a celebratory cake reading 'Stuart and y/n are OTP' out of her bag, and you are distracted in your tired state with the idea of what such a cake would look and taste like.

 "Your face still looks bad," Nick says absent-mindedly and you look between Stuart and him indignantly.

 "There's nothing wrong with his face," you reply, but you only just click with the bruise still settled on his eye. Several pairs of amused eyes turn towards you and you look back down at your food, pushing food in your mouth.

 "Thanks, gorgeous," Stuart smirks. He winks at you and raises his eyebrows almost suggestively, so you stuff yourself with more food and pretend to rootle through your bag on the floor to hide the redness on your cheeks.

 They all begin talking and you surface from under the table when your face is sufficiently cooled, and it's tempting to go back under and hide the stupid grin trying to drop onto your face when Stuart keeps looking at you with smirks across the table as he talks, making a big joke out of your silly comment: it still affects you though. Damn crushes.

 All you can think about as you pull your new book - which you are only a page and a half in - out and begin reading, taking alternating bites of food meanwhile, is how much you wish you could keep Stuart's arm around you. And, not for the first time, you wish more than anything that you and Stuart had kissed.

I'm so iiiill at the mooomeeeent, right after my birthday as well -_-

And I love the film Now You See Me atm.

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