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 After a long, three-hour phone call to Neha in your pyjamas to restore your faith in humanity and friendship, you drop your head on the unfamiliar dining table in your temporary home and groan out loud. You had spent most of the time talking the usual girl chat and embarked on an interesting discussion about kinks, but she had brought up Stuart and it frustrated you just remembering him.

 "What's up with you, sweetheart?" You lift your head to see Magda, the elderly cleaning lady, gathering her keys, her coat over her apron. She bestows a motherly look onto you and you prop your head lazily on your hand, your elbow sinking down across the table.

 "There's this guy and all he ever does is insult me," you reply moodily, spooning some ice cream into your mouth. Magda looks down at you eating straight from the tub with disaproval but her face brightens.

 "Ah, he likes you," she declares happily, nodding encouragingly. You pull the spoon from your mouth and shake your head.

 "No, he does not like me. He's never spoken to me ever and keeps saying I'm stupid," you explain, digging the spoon back into the tub. Magda shakes her head insistantly.

 "No, no, he likes you," she presses.

 "Magda, he doesn't even know me," you point out.

 "Aha, but he wants to," Magda continues. You stare at her for a moment then give up, placing the lid back onto the carton and grabbing your phone to go to your room.

 "Do you like him?" she asks, following you out of the kitchen like an excited puppy. You look down on her - she's about eighty and resembles a tiny walnut in comparison to you - and shake your head, feeling almost offended.

 "No way, he's the rudest guy I've ever met," you deny bluntly. You think a little bit and shrug. "Attractive, but still rude. And anyway, I don't want anything to do with him, I think he hates books."

 Magda looks at you with mysteriously wise eyes and backs away to exit the house. "Mmhmm. I'll be back tomorrow, y/n, tell your father."

 "Okay, see you," you call after her as she closes the front door before jogging up the stairs to your room, regretting the action as the food you consumed while talking to Neha stirs inside you.

 Once inside your room, you flop on the bed and put some music on, trying to block out the confusion Magda has given you.


 You have some surprising visitors when you look up from the library desk the following morning, dropping the book you were sneakily reading without Carrie catching you under the table. You smile widely when you see it's your favourite interns, minus one, and sit up straighter in your chair.

 "Y/n, was you reading under the table?" Nick mock-scorns, perching himself on the edge of the desk.

 "Well, better than drinking under the table," you grin, then ask, "What are you lot doing here, skiving?"

 "We thought we'd come and visit you," Lyle says, looking around. "Do you know where men's health is?"

 You direct him from your chair and watch him go purposely, asking the question as casually as possible. "So, where's 'Stewie'?"

 Neha and Billy glance at each other. "He said he was late for a...meeting," Billy shrugs too casually, avoiding your eyes much like the others are.

 "And his exact words were?"

 "'If you think I'm visiting that book-freak, you're out of your freakin' minds'," Yo-yo recites blankly, making you raise your eyebrows.

 The conversation is cut off by Lyle edging to the counter, book in hand with flushed cheeks, and passing you a book while looking at the ground. You take it and glance down at it, ignoring every reason why Lyle wants the 'Your Genitalia At It's Best' self-help guide.


 You manage to handle lunch with Stuart by chatting with Neha, who seems to be your new best friend for the summer, and you actually forget he exists. Almost. You sneak glances, but that's hardly the same thing.

 Neha interrupts her own flow by gasping. "Oh, my God, I almost forgot, you've totally got to come and see the Quiddich game we're playing later!"


 "We're playing Quiddich, it's one of the tasks. Come and watch!" Neha begs, tugging your arm with pleading eyes.

 "But my job -"

 "Just ask Carrie, I'm sure she'll let you if you ask her enough!" Neha decides, looking around the group. She stares at you, waiting for you to say yes, and you give in and nod.

 "Okay, if I can," you agree, suddenly attacked by Neha's excited hits.

 "Guys, she's watching!" Neha shouts across the table, making Lyle drop his food onto his lap. Stuart groans and finally looks up over at you.

 "Oh, don't complain, Stuart. You can impress y/n with your broom skills," Neha teases, nudging you playfully and winking at Stuart. Stuart puts his head down and ignores her, his cheeks tinged with pink while the rest of the group giggle. You fight back both your laughter and surprise that he isn't moaning about how he doesn't want anything to do with someone dumb like you, and turn your attention to the others instead, asking them all about this game you get to watch.

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