chapter 4

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the boy's captivating eyes lowered sluggishly, making eye contact with the other person, which was standing a bit stiffly, you would say awkwardly but it was all due to his efforts to suppress the not so virtuous desires.

without looking away, the eyes resembling the ones of a tiger kept gazing at jihoon even while whispering something to the boy on his lap, the lips motioning slowly, the residual snowy smoke still issuing from the in-between glossy, rosy lips.

jihoon habitually licked his lips which suddenly needed to be moisturized. another leader received a light, girlish peck on the cheek which made jihoon's knuckles white. his envious gaze followed the small boy all the way as he got off the other's legs and left the room which was signalized by a screech of the doors. two of them were now alone.

jihoon planned on starting the conversion to show the dominance but the words "get the fuck out you invaded my territory" melted in his mouth like sugar as out of a sudden the other's voice lingered in the room again.

"I knew you would come to see me."

jihoon lost control over his body as all of his senses got damaged by the current situation. the nose was constantly inhaling the white smoke, the eyes set on the most attractive visage they had ever seen, the ears deaf for the sounds coming from a different source than the pair of now shyly smiling lips. in this shyness were audacity and confidence.

"how did you find out about me?"

his voice was hoarse and quiet as if the boy wasn't even sure if he still could talk and now was testing the water. his throat got dry, he probably got himself dehydrated, he wanted to drink and the lips in front of him looked quite juicy.

the red-hair boy has already gotten up from the sofa, stepped closer, and stood right in front of jihoon, examining him with the same smile as before. it was evident that jihoon kept staring at his lips, his eyes visibly craving for something he had.

"you smoke?"

"it's the worst shit I would never let it into my lungs."

the other leader was quite perplexed but didn't reveal it. his motions slow, as if unwanted and hesitant, his left, empty hand now reaching out to touch jihoon's leather jacket.

"but you sell it."

his fingers wrapped around the silver chain, tangibly pulling the other closer. however, the longer they spoke, the sooner jihoon regained his usual vigilance.

"no, I don't." he grinds it out, pushing the other's lithe hand away in a harsh manner.

the other tilted his head, seemingly pondering over something important.

"I don't have to sell it to know how it works. it gets you hopelessly hooked on, it is not for flowery boys like you."

the one standing in front of jihoon liked the compliment he wished to hear a lot. his smile crept on this pretty face jihoon started to loathe for how it affected his whole being, the cigarette swiftly cast to the side, forgotten, the owner trying to disclaim it.

"I am kanemoto yoshinori."

"park jihoon."

the boys shook hands, ripples once again ran down jihoon's spine as yoshinori's thumb caressed his skin. suddenly the hand which feigned to be rather feeble tightened the grip and pulled jihoon to the front. now their faces were only inches apart, the red-hair boy's eyes brimmed with something else than before. what jihoon could notice was territoriality.

"you either let us live and work in peace or I will make this territory my own."

jihoon gritted his teeth, fighting back the urge to smile. this turn of events was unexpected albeit absolutely to his liking. the kitty which used to purr was now showing the canines.

"you will give up." he retorted, the hand which pulled him before now got caught in the ambush. "I will make you give up."

jihoon whispered these words right to yoshinori's ears for they have been so close that there was no need to say it louder. the air around them got thicker, steamy although the haze has almost entirely dissipated. they stood motionlessly for an obscure amount of time, their bodies getting accustomed to the state of acting like one.

"I want to see how you let go of me then."

once again a whisper wafted in the room and jihoon had an inkling that this time the task may require more effort than the previous ones. more effort as well as more... self-control.

// ✧ //

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