3. Chocolate Chip Pancakes

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// Castiel's POV

Castiel opened his eyes and stretched his arms out. He didn't notice when he moved to the side and tried to hug something that wasn't there.

"Well that's weird..." he mumbled to himself and sat up.

He felt his eyes closing. Castiel smiled to himself and laid back down, wrapping his arms around the pillow.

"Ten more minutes..." he whispered.

And an hour later, he decided to get up. Castiel trudged into the bathroom and did his business. He tried taming his hair but it was no use so he left it like that. Being the lazy person he usually is, he decided to stay in his pj's.

He wandered around the kitchen and began taking out ingredients for pancakes-- chocolate chip pancakes.

He made the batter and placed the chocolate chips inside, stirring it all together.

He made small circles in the pan and made his pancakes ((I really want pancakes right now))

He set his plate on the table and fed Cotton who was still sleeping.

He was done with the first two when realization smacked him in the face. Castiel quickly stood up and ran to the front door, swinging it open.

On the door step, was another small journal.

Castiel smiled widely and picked it up, going back inside and kicking the door shut.

He sat back down at the table and opened it to read, pushing the plate of pancakes aside.

Hello, again.

As you can see, this is the second chapter of this series of memories...or whatever they are.

I am debating on whether to just send these separate journals or write it all in one and trust you not to read them all in one sitting.

But enough of that, here's your promised chapter...


I awoke that morning and did my usual routine before stepping into the kitchen.

I prepared my usual breakfast: Chocolate Chip Pancakes. I had no idea why I liked these so much. It was probably because my mom used to make them for me every morning before she past.

I finished baking and set my plate of pancakes on the table, going back to the kitchen to make some more.

Then it happened. I guess I had left the window in my room open or something but a small kitten strolled into the kitchen and tried to make its way on the table.

I didn't notice it until my nose started to itch and I heard a faint meow from behind me.

I turned around and saw the kitten fumbling over the chairs, trying to get on the table.

"What? Where'd you come from?" I asked it before walking up to it and picking it up.

He fit in the palm of my hand. He was tiny. He was all white and fluffy except for his paws and tail, which were black. His eyes were crystal blue.

He meowed and tried to scratch my face, causing me to laugh.

"Okay, you can't stay here...now where'd you come from?"

I scrunched up my nose, turned away from the small animal and sneezed.

It meowed again and jumped put of my hands and onto the table.

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