6. Cherry Blossomed Books

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// Dean's POV

Dean saw the slight red from under his eyelids, indicating that there was light-- it was morning and the window was happy to tell him that.

Dean groaned and rolled over, accidentally draping his arm across a little sleeping angel. Dean couldn't help but smile and wrap his arm around him, moving closer to snuggle.

Castiel hummed quietly and moved into Dean's embrace, nuzzling his face in his chest.

This is nice...wait, how did I get on the bed? Wasn't I on the floor? Um...what?

Dean opened his eyes and looked around. They were in a dimly lit room with almost everything made of dark brown wood.

Oh right, the Roadhouse. Right, okay.

"Dean..." Cas mumbled, nuzzling his face further against Dean's chest, causing Dean to giggle-- wait no, causing him to laugh manly, not a giggle. Definitely not a giggle.

Dean began to sit up, stirring Cas awake.

Castiel sat up and stretched his arms out above his head. He smiled and looked over in Dean's direction, his smile immediately faltered.

"Dean? What? What are you doing here? Wait, what am I doing here?! What's going on?" Cas asked, jumping out of bed and grabbing his head in pain. "Crap-- what the hell?"

Dean bit the inside of his cheek and stared at him.

"You...you don't remember?" Dean asked.

Castiel looked at Dean with wide eyes.

"We...oh my god, Dean...we didn't...do anything...did we?" He asked, his voice filled with horror.

"Wha-- n-no! No no no no! N-nothing happened between us!" Dean said, waving his hands.

"Then why were you in the same bed as me? Cuddling?" Cas asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Well I um-- I was sleeping on the floor but it was a bit uncomfortable so I ended up moving up here I guess. Why we were cuddling, I have no idea." Dean laughed.

"Right. Well um...I'm gonna go." Cas said, grabbing his jacket and heading towards the door, his hand grabbing his head in pain.

"What? Wait up!" Dean called, also jumping out of bed and grabbing his things, along with Cas' book before running after him.

They received odd stares as they walked out of their room, pulling jackets on.

"Mornin' boys." Ellen smiled, serving someone a drink.

"Morning Ellen! Say hey to Jo for me!" Dean waved. "See ya!"

Castiel kept walking and stood outside, looking down the street, trying to remember which way his house was.

"Cas! Wait up, man." Dean sighed approaching him.

"Dean, I'm fine. Go home." Cas mumbled, deciding to go right and see where that took him.

"Okay, you are not fine. A) You've got a hangover, B) You're forgetting your book, and C) Your house is this way." Dean smiled, pointing behind him. "Come on, let me give you a ride."

Castiel bit the inside of his cheek and sighed, walking back to Dean.

"Fine." He mumbled, walking ahead, kinda wobbling.

"You could always hold onto my arm, if you'd like." Dean suggested. "You know, for balance."

"No thank you, we're just going to your car." Cas said walking ahead.

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