7. Dean Winchester

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The book's cover was beautiful. Two men. One lying in a bed, unconscious and the other standing beside him...as if his protector. The background made it look like a galaxy.

We Can Only Dream was it's title. And it's author?

Dean Winchester

// Castiel's POV

He stared blankly at the book for what seemed for hours, too many thoughts racing through his head. Cotton was meowing loudly, pawing at his leg.

This was it.

How...why hadn't he looked here before? He hadn't even touched any of his books since he got back.

Castiel got up and ran to his laptop. He typed in the name into the search engine and waited as it loaded.

Dean Winchester is an American author of young adult fiction

Height: 6' 1"

Fiancé: Castiel Novak

Siblings: Samuel Winchester


We Can Only Dream
Trench Coat Angel
Supernatural: Weekend At Bobby's (with author Chuck Shurley )
Supernatural: The Girl Next Door (with author Chuck Shurley )
Supernatural: Heartache (With author Chuck Shurley)

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Samuel Winchester

Chuck Shurley

Castiel stared at the photos in the information. This was Dean. Dean Smith.

"He lied..." Cas whispered to no one. His eyes flickered back up to the top of his bio.

Fiancé: Castiel Novak

Castiel clicked images and watched as he thousands of photos filled the screen.
So many of Dean. In different suits, at different conventions with Sam. Some were of him holding awards and certificates, but there were a few that caught his eye.

There were tons of photos of him and Dean being...a couple. So many photos. He went back to the search bar and typed in "Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak." letting the new information take over the screen.

Dozens of photos of them came up. Some just someone snapping an off guard photo of them. Some pictures with fans, some at different conventions. Many of them in hugs or sharing kisses...even fuzzy but clear enough photos of Dean on one knee in front of Castiel.

But nothing was happening...he wasn't remembering anything! Shouldn't he have little sparks of memory?! There was nothing!

Castiel groaned loudly and searched his own name.

Immediately articles came up. Articles of an accident.

Car Accident Leaves Drunk Driver Hospitalized

April 15, 2015. After a night out for his bachelor party, Castiel Novak, engaged to author Dean Winchester, has a deadly car accident atop a bridge.
The men with him that night state that they remember Novak leaving the party because he claimed that his fiancé forgot their groceries, again. Before any of them could protest, Castiel Novak was headed towards the edge of death.
Dean Winchester was informed the next day, when they managed to identify Castiel who had been left in a coma that lasted two weeks. When the young author's fiancé finally awoke, doctors diagnosed Castiel with amnesia.
Dean Winchester was not present when his fiancé awoke. Instead, he pleaded that the doctors not say anything to Castiel about him, stating that he 'could fix his mistakes'.

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