5. Is It Really A One Night Stand If I'll See You Again?

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// Castiel's POV

Cotton meowed loudly and curled up on his face, causing Cas to inhale a bunch of fur.

"BLEHHHH!" He yelled, pushing the cat off him.

Cotton hissed at him before curling up into a ball by his head. Man this cat needed to learn a thing called 'Personal Space'.

Castiel curled himself up in the blanket, ready to go to sleep when he thought of something.

"I've been pretty cooped up..." He whispered.

Castiel opened his eyes and sat up.

"I should go out."

He got out of bed and wandered to the bathroom to do his business.

He wandered back to his room and opened the closet, examining the clothes he had.

After standing there for half an hour, pulling out all the clothes he had, he decided to go with a navy short sleeved button up, jeans, combat boots of course, and to top it off a baggy sweater over it.

He wandered over to the mirror and examined himself.

"What am I even thinking? I should stay indoors." He sighed, taking off the sweater.

Cotton meowed in protest and jumped into the closet, pulling at the clothes on the hangers.

"Cotton! Stop it!" Cas yelled, running at him.

Cotton managed to pull of a leather jacket from it's hanger before running away.

"I don't understand you sometimes." Cas sighed, picking up the jacket.

He eyed it. It was a worn out blackish leather jacket. But it wasn't his-- it seemed familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Castiel walked back to the mirror and put the jacket on, observing.

"Well, Cotton. I don't understand you half the time but you have a great fashion sense." Cas laughed.

Castiel ruffled up his hair a bit before heading towards the door.

"What time even is it?!" He asked, pulling out his phone.

"And it's freaking two in the afternoon, great. Cotton I hope you know how to feed yourself!"

Castiel gave Cotton his breakfast/lunch and then went for the door.

"Okay, I'll be back, Cotton! Don't you dare go anywhere!" Cas yelled, opening the door.

And what he found on his doorstep was something he didn't really expect.

Another small book.

Castiel bit the inside of his cheek and picked it up.

"I'll read you later." He sighed before running inside and placing it on his coffee table and running out again.

He didn't exactly know where he was going but oh well, most of the things here were new to him so, might as well explore.

Castiel stopped and thought for a moment. That book was one of his memories for all he knew, waiting to be unfolded again. And he just threw it aside.

He mentally slapped himself and ran back to the house, grabbed the book and headed towards a coffee shop.


Castiel sat inside the coffee shop, looking out the window, a cheesecake before him and a book at his side.

He was currently contemplating life. *sigh*

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