Chapter 6 - I Do Believe In Fairys

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Dedication: disconnnected, because you voted for Cashton One Shots of mine and I hope you'll like this story, too.

Chapter 6 - I Do Believe In Fairys

They make a good couple.

No, they make a great couple.

For their first month anniversary Ashton organizes Free tickets for the park for Calum and Anna.

It's good to have a day off. Good to have a day with both Calum and his oh so adorable sister.

It's always great to see the world through her eyes.

Magic kind of seems to get lost the older you get.

But Anna. She was still so bright. So happy. She was a child. That's what she was.

Ashton was getting used to the idea of being in a relationship.

Of having someone rely on you. Of having someone that waited for your call, that would come over after work.

To have someone that made food for you.

He started to decorate his flat a little more.

He tried to make it more homely.

He decorated the walls with pictures of Calum and his family. This way he could at least pretend to have a family that loved him.

And they did.

They loved him dearly.

Anna did. Her mum did.

And Calum definitely did.

On their second month anniversary Ashton tried the unthinkable. He tried to cook for Calum.

And he succeeded.

It wasn't that much for someone who usually cooks. But it was a whole lot of wok for Ashton.

He even bought candles and decorated the table.

At half past 7 he had everything perfectly sat up.

And he waited. 8.

And he waited. 8:30.

And he waited. 9.

And he waited. 9:30.

And he waited. 10.

He tried to call Calum. Nothing. He was getting restless.

And he started to recap all the things he's done in the last month.

Did he do something wrong. Did he say something wrong.

What did he do.

Finally at 11 pm his phone rang. Calum.

He was ready to pull him apart, when he heard the devastated voice on the other line.

"I'm in the hospital. Anna doesn't do well. Not at all."

After getting all the information he needed, he grabbed his jacket, the flowers he put on the table and ran out the door.

It took him half an hour to get to the hospital.

After ennoying the entrance lady long enough she finally let him in, even if it was way past visiting hours.

He slowly opened the door to the room.

Calum was sitting down nexto the bed, face in his hands.

Anna was lying in the bed, white as paper.

Ashton's anger was entirely gone.

He sank to his knees nexto Calum and put a hand on his back.

"I'm here."

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