The Past Of Blood And Roses

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Vampire's: One of the most feared thing's to said to have existed in the dark world, who drink blood of other's to gain eternal life, but damn their soul's in sacrifice for the rest of time in purgatory.

Some envy such powerful being's, I personally find them alluring and intoxicating, who wouldn't with the idea of boundless power and endless life?

Though I have seen many call them pitiful beasts, who have to take from other's to live their accursed life.

If the Vampire's were to truly exist, how many would sacrifice their soul's to gain such beautiful and sinful power?

How many would hunt them to end the menace that could destroy humanity permanently?

Such questions can only be answered if such being's truly exist and if they do in some ghastly corner of the forgotten world, how long would it take to find them?

Though if one were to be born from the womb of a female Vampire, would their soul's be damned as well even though they had no say in it?

After all even vampire's still have human bodies, they can still reproduce the way most human's do, along with turning someone by giving their tainted blood to a human.

In the end such being's are beautiful in the eyes of some and an abomination in the eyes of so many other's, but if the last of Vampire kind were to hide amongst human's, how long will it take to find them out?


The sounds of a woman in labor could be heard through the halls of the massive Vale hospital.  Those who heard them winced and fidgeted in seeming uncomfortableness, as it sounded like the woman was being put through the 9 circles of hell and then the screams stopped, the loud cries of a newborn babe rang through the air as it shrieked and screamed into the sterile air.

The short bearded male doctor who had been with the mother through her labor announced with the biggest smile and joy filled face, as he loved bring new souls into the world even as harsh as it was, it was his long life's work and passion that he had had since he was a boy.

"Ma'am your daughter has been born! What will be her name so I can do the paperwork?" The Woman who had hair that was pitch black with blood red tips, looked upon the kind doctor with a smile that had a lot of exhaustion in it from her ordeal.

"Her Name shall be Ruby Rose." The woman softly spoke as she clenched her daughter closer to her, sharing the warmth of her exhausted body with the helpless child that laid on her chest.

The man looked at her with a bright smile that shone with happiness and gentle warmth, he then proceeded into the next room to begin the paperwork that would become the child's birth certificate.

But the woman looked upon her child and spoke in a soft but warm voice laced with nothing but pure love, her smile like that of a shining sunray after a brisk rain during the day.

"That shall be her name officially to all but me and her, but her full name shall be Ruby Rose Dracul as our tradition demand's. but no one must know that name for it would be her death if the wrong people hear it." The baby giggled softly as it squirmed in it's gentle mother's arm's, making the woman tiredly giggle as well hearing her new flesh and blood laugh so cutely.

The Woman was the last living full blood vampire on the world of Remnant after many long lonely years, but now with the birth of her child her and her daughter were the only two left, as everyone else had been killed but her so long ago that still hurt her heart, she still held so much pent up grief for her long lost family and kind in her still yet beating heart.

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