The Vampire's Initiation

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The day Ruby Rose Dracul started at beacon had come very quickly, she had spent the time in the city of Vale by Beacon or in her ancestral castle a good ways away from Vale.

She was currently walking to the airstrip outside Vale, with the ID she had received in a email by Beacon's staff and showed it to the guard stationed by the airship's, who then let her onto one of the transport bullheads.

Ruby pulled her Red hood over her head as she stepped into the utterly massive transport airship and proceeded to to sit in a chair, she listened to her music on her custom made blood red headphones, as due to her vampiric abilities she could hear every person talking all at once and she needed to tune it out.

She really didn't want a headache so early into the ride, since hearing that many voices at once sucked with such exquisite hearing that Vampire's had.

She liked this song in particular as it was from a kick ass show, about her kind in living in another world called Earth.

As she began listening to her music through her headphones to pass the time, she began to look at everyone around her as once again her vampiric abilities let her instantly memorize every face she looked upon with her sharp eyes.

she noticed a blond hair guy with a green face start running towards the bathroom inside the ship very quickly. She laughs in her mind a bit at him and she thought her name for him was gonna be vomit boy. Due to being the last vampire she tends to be a bit prideful of her special heritage, as her race was known to be extremely prideful before "The Fall Of Roses."

She then turns her head to see a long blonde haired girl talking to a raven haired girl, as she looks upon the blonde Ruby is sure that the girl is very familiar to her, but she doesn't know from when or where at all due to being alone for years by herself.

She listens to the last bit of her song through her headphones and the silence settles in her device, she notices the other people begin to look out the glass windows with awe as they gaze out to the view of Vale.

Ruby stands up to see what's going on and notices that they were almost at beacon, by looking at the slightly dizzying view from the flying airship and looking at the view with a slightly amazed expression.

She began to walk towards the ramp door and waited for the landing procedures to start in earnest. Everyone soon begins to crowd around her waiting for the door's to open like her, as the ramp opens up onto the grounds of the great school.

Ruby begins walking to the iron gates of the vast school that would become her new home for four years, she quickly notices everyone was staring at her in a fair bit of lust even other girl's, due to her heritage her body had grown much faster than Humans or Faunus as a Vampire.

So even though she was actually 15 in age, she looked like she was a very well endowed 19 year old that had a model figure, which causes her quite a few problems sometimes out in public. She mentally sighed in anguish knowing that this was gonna put her on a tall pedestal, as her beauty was quite charming to everyone even girl's that were already fawning over her.

She began to walk with a lot faster pace knowing that she might soon have a fan club, which would be soooo embarrassing to have happen. Then an announcement started to crackle over the speakers in the courtyard, by a voice she knew was miss Goodwitch's from her unpleasant meeting with the strict woman.

"Hello and Welcome to Beacon academy, please proceeded to the grand ballroom for the initiation speech for our brand new first years." Ruby sighs and begins to slowly walk towards the ballroom, leaving blood red petals in her wake as she gracefully walked, her illusions made her seem to have a semblance causing people to gasp and rudely stare at her entrancing beauty.

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