Breakfast, Classes, And A New Vampire In Remnant!

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Ruby woke up again, this time it was to get ready for school and get some nice breakfast while she was at it. Ruby got up and headed to team RWBY's dorm bathroom, she started brushing her teeth and dispelled her glamour on her fang's, she needed them clean and healthy after all! Ruby spat out the sour mint toothpaste and reapplied her glamour, as Blake came in and started brushing her own teeth.

"Ugh I hate sour mint toothpaste, but I need it for my teeth." Ruby groaned from the aftertaste, as Blake let out a small chuckle at Ruby.

"Most people do hate that flavor, but its important to brush your teeth." Blake said with a small laugh causing Ruby to frown at her.

"Since Yang and Weiss are still asleep, want to head to the cafeteria for some breakfast?" Ruby had asked Blake knowing she will say yes.

"Yeah lets go now before they wake up, they are losing out on it for sure for not waking up at a decent time to get food." Blake let out with another small laugh, this time at the thought of Yang and Weiss's shocked faces at missing breakfast.

The two partner's got dressed in the dark dorm, before walking out the door into the hallway outside.

They begin walking down the many hall's of beacon to the very large cafeteria. The smell of bacon, pancakes, and French toast was drifting through the air to the partner's.

Ruby didn't need to eat normal food, but she liked to every now and again especially bacon. Ruby and Blake grabbed a tray and went through the line that had formed, Ruby got a pile of some bacon, strawberry yogurt, French toast, and egg's.

Blake had gotten herself some Biscuit's N Gravy (a delicious southern USA food, if made right though) , Bacon, and a cheese omelet.

Both girl's sat down at a table with their food as a ginger blur flew into the cafeteria, grabbing a obscene amount of pancakes from the food line and with a crash sat at Ruby and Blake's table, while the rest of team JNPR soon ran into the room as well.

"NORA you almost ran over five people on the way here, please keep yourself under control!" Jaune wheezed as he was out of breath from chasing the girl, Nora ignored him as she devoured 2 stacks of pancakes in one go.

Ruby and Blake started laughing hard as they saw the star's in Nora's eyes, as she began devouring the pancakes like Thor devoured meat. (messy to say the least)

Ruby and Blake began eating their own food with both of them starting with the bacon. Before Ruby felt a hand clap her back As Pyrrha had gotten her own food.

"I'll get you back for leaving me last night Rival, don't you forget it." Pyrrha said with a smirk as she sat next to Ruby on her left with Blake on Ruby's right.

"Speaking of last night, how are you feeling from that medicine I gave you?" Ruby had asked Pyrrha about how she felt, knowing how painful the change into a vampire was probably for her.

"It fucking hurt when you gave me it, but now I have never felt stronger so I want that rematch even sooner now!" Pyrrha had replied to Ruby's question, before demanding the rematch be sooner.

"I need to teach you a few thing's first before we do that again, so come to my dorm later tonight." Ruby had leaned into Pyrrha's ear keeping her voice even smaller than a whisper, to avoid Blake overhearing them but Blake was too busy eating her Biscuits N Gravy anyways.

Pyrrha nodded her head at Ruby before she began to eat her breakfast, Ruby then remembered this would be Pyrrha's first breakfast as a vampire and began to her whisper again.

"As a vampire you don't need anything but blood anymore to sustain yourself, but you can eat food still though." Ruby had given Pyrrha the information as Pyrrha then looked upon her food with a slightly unhappy frown, the info upsetting her quite a bit not being able to enjoy bacon fully was atrocious to her.

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