Cookies And Blood For The Vampire.

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The next morning the student's had been awoken, as their dorms had been readied during the night and every student their stuff put into them.

Ruby, Blake, Weiss, and Yang had been woken up by another student, and were on their way to the dorm they were given by the staff.

None of them spoke since both Ruby and Blake were the quiet types and the fact that they were still half awake, Ruby in particular was pissed to be awake since Vampire's prefer to be awake at night.

The Silence on their walk was broken when a hoard of people came running up to Ruby, asking who she was and how she was so beautiful at only 15.

Ruby's tried ignoring them for a minute before she flared a bit of her vampiric power, scaring them off for the time being. Yang doubled over laughing at the fact her baby sister had a literal fan club on day one of school no less at that. She stopped laughing after a while and said with a Snort.

"Who Would've thought my baby sister, would have a fan club a single DAY into school! Its even funnier since you turned out even sexier than me!"

She proceeded into a laughing fit once again while also being a bit jealous at what she had said, While both Blake and Weiss were Blushing, as they had to agree that Ruby Was truly Beautiful. Ruby glared at Yang then with a sigh spoke again.

"This Happens everywhere I go, and ill be honest its fucking annoying. I'm only this beautiful and sexy because of my mother's ancestry as you know should now know yang!" Yang heard the last part and backed up a bit with a pale face, something that the other two noticed with varying emotions.

Blake was a bit interested at these word's as Ruby's ancestry sounds fascinating if it did this kind of thing, While Weiss was a bit annoyed at this since she was a bit *underdeveloped* in her opinion.

They finally arrive at their assigned dorm and begin unpacking their belongings. Blake, Yang, and Weiss notice that Ruby has a lack of item's due to her wandering remnant for so many year's.

Ruby looks up and sees them staring at her stuff and see there gaze fall upon a medium sized metal canister she brought with her. Ruby can't let them know that the canister is her reserve supply of blood, if she cant feed for a while due to various reasons and happening's.

"Don't ever touch this canister, its a type of medicine for me and me alone, UNDERSTAND?" The 3 girls flinch and paled visibly, as Ruby had scared them both with her voice and she used her vampire abilities to put some heavy pressure on them.

They begin to nod in understanding at lightspeed and with Ruby seeing that smiled knowing they wont look now, before bring the last of her stuff out of the duffel bag she had brought to beacon.

The team then notices that the room cant fit all of their stuff all at the same bloody time at least. They proceed to make bunk bed's using rope and a few book stacks, to make it as safely secured as they could possibly do with the given resources.

Ruby's gaze falls upon a very old brittle book Blake had brought out, it looked like it might fall apart from it being so old and well worn, but what caught her notice was the name of the book. 

The books title was "The Fall Of Roses," she began to see red in her vision, picked it up and asked Blake with a intense commanding voice, laced with just barely noticeable rage underneath.

"Blake, where did you find this book?" Blake was currently trembling in fear that voice mixed with her Faunus instincts screaming at her to run far away very quickly, looked at Ruby and with a whimper of fear whispered.

"It was a book I found in my families library, that book is well over 200 years old." Ruby saw how terrified Blake was, but in Ruby's defense that battle had killed her grandparents and the last of her kind but her mother, though now her being the only one left in the world and just seeing the name made her rage almost blow each time.

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