The God Like Clash At Beacon.

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A/N: Feel Free To Play The Music When I Put The A/N For It


The sound of an alarm clock that sat upon Ruby's nightstand, woke team RWBY up with it's shrill piercing cries before Ruby smashed it to pieces with her fist by mistake.

Blake, Yang, and Weiss look at Ruby with surprise, she just crushed the metal alarm clock with her fist like it was nothing. Ruby then started getting dressed for class, since classes are starting today and the other girl's soon followed suit.

Once team RWBY was dressed for classes, they started to make their way to Professor GoodWitch's classroom, while on the walk Ruby's fan club started to pester them again, Ruby then had to scare them off once again using a bit of pressure from her vampiric abilities.

Ruby had specifically created A glamour to make a vision of Ruby covered in blood with Blood red eyes, appearing in a shifty haze behind herself and causing many bothering her to piss themselves in fear.

Once they arrived to Professor Goodwitch's classroom, they sat in the seats assigned to them, and took out their weapons, since Professor GoodWitch was the combat professor.

Today was the first day of classes, so she was going to test them in fighting other people. Team JNPR crashed through the door, in the minute after they were officially late.

"SORRY WE WERE LATE, alarm clock wasn't working for some reason." Jaune shouted in frustration, his anger at the faulty machine apparent on his face.

"You are excused for today team JNPR, just make sure it doesn't happen again!" Professor Goodwitch scolded them harshly, but excused them since it was the first day of class after all. 

She began to speak again, this time the class listened to her fully as this seemed like it was going to important.

"As a huntsmen/huntress you will eventually fight other people, who have broken some kind of law or during a tournament. I am here to teach you how to fight in these cases, you must be ever unpredictable, changing your fighting patterns swiftly or the enemy will end you." Professor Goodwitch brought up points that made sense, her speech causing many to nod in agreement at the assessment.

She began to set the command's for the randomizer, which will pick students to fight in the arena. The machine began to whirl before it showed that it was Pyrrha Vs Ruby.

The students soon sat forward on their seats, this was going to be a brilliant fight if both were as strong as everyone thought.

"Miss Nikos and Miss Rose, prepare for the battle now. Fight with your full strength to bare, this is a class you get grades on no matter what!" Professor Goodwitch had commanded them to ready themselves, and reminded them that this was a graded class.

Ruby then jumped down from the stands, not even bringing her dual knives with her, she left a crater under her from the landing.

Pyrrha raised a eyebrow at this thinking she was being mocked by Ruby, a scowl grew upon her face and Pyrrha dropped into the arena.

Ruby raised her fist's in a boxer's stance and Pyrrha assumed her stance, her shield poised in front her to take any blow, her sword Milo now sat in spear mode and was pointed out towards Ruby with unmistakable Ire.

A/N: Begin The Music At The Top And Put It On Repeat, This Shall Be GLORIOUS!

"BEGIN!" Professor Goodwitch yelled, the countdown finishing on the randomizers screen with a sharp 'Ding'!

Ruby then charged at Pyrrha with her speed incredible of 50 mph catching Pyrrha off guard immediately. Pyrrha grunted as she took the fist blow on her shield, her arms shaking from the blow's kinetic force and weight.

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