Requested Story 1: Itiye

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A/N: My first requested story! This short story was requested by my ✨ motherly parental unit ✨ I sorta mixed some magiccore/dragoncore into this. I think this is my longest work...ever...

Remember the characters from A Change of Plans, A Backpack, A Scroll, and A Door? Well, guess what? EDWARD AND MIKA HAVE RETURNEDDD! Edika ship 100000% aaaaAAAAUGH (Btw the story is from Mika's POV.)

          We both sprinted down the dark street which was practically flooding with rainwater. Our shoes made loud splashes against the concrete that echoed across the street. The rustling of the paper bags in my hands was deafening my ears.

          "Where do we go?! I can't remember where the shop was located!" Edward yelled to me from behind.

          "I think it's over there!" I yelled back at him, pointing towards an old, spruce door with a rusty sign that read, "Itiye."

          I quickly opened the door for Edward to go in first, hearing a small bell chime as I did so. I shut the door behind me as I slowly stepped into the shop, soaked in rainwater. I set the paper bags down next to me so I could wipe my hands off.

          "Ugh! Why did it have to rain now? Why did it have to rain when we're tryna get back to campusss???" Edward whined. "Silence, Edward. It's just rain. We'll stay here for the night if it's possible," I sighed as I flicked some water off of my hands. I looked up from my hands as I observed the small shop we had entered.

          It was a small room with walls and walls of shelves upon shelves of tin boxes of different sizes and colors. Most of the tins had words and letters in some sort of ancient language that I couldn't understand. The aroma of lemon zest, ginger, turmeric, and hibiscus lingered in the warm air. Along one of the far walls was a small window, a crackling fireplace with a bookshelf that extended to the ceiling and two plush armchairs next to it. A small coffee table sat in between the two chairs. The wall closer to the door had been replaced with a long, wood counter with a small cash register and several stick candles. Behind the counter was another wall like the others, filled with odd tins, and a large, elegant door frame with the door missing. A large, antique clock near the door frame was ticking softly.

          After we took in our surroundings, a deep, slow voice emerged from behind the counter. "Give me a moment, please! I'll be with you in a second." The voice sounded disembodied because I couldn't see who was speaking.


          "S h u t  i t , E d w a r d . Ghosts don't exist. Well... at least not here,"


          Edward's shriek of sheer terror was cut off by the sound of loud, thumping footsteps which would shake the floorboards. I could hear his silent noises of fear behind me as the footsteps got closer. I spotted a large, oddly shaped figure slink past the door frame. A few seconds later, the head of a dragon popped out. Slowly, the dragon revealed themselves from behind the doorway to exhibit a dark blue body wrapped in a deep purple robe. Around their neck hung several necklaces crafted out of wood, gold, silver and millions of jewels and gems.

          They spoke in a slow and calm manner. "Hello, travellers. Welcome to Itiye, the place to come for all your troubles and worries. How may I assist you this fine eventide? Oh dear. I see you two are soaked. Is it raining?" They paused for a moment to listen. "I see it is raining. I'll fetch blankets for you both. Please, make yourselves at home," they said, referring their hand towards the armchairs in the far corner. The dragon then returned to the pitch black doorway.

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