The speed of a falcon on a sugar rush

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A/N: Hey all! Thanks for waiting! I was pretty busy in the previous week, and I would be for the weeks to come, so updates may come once every one and a half weeks? Yup yups. (:

WHO'S ON TEAM COBALT OR TEAM JOHN. I'm not going to reveal whether Cobalt Blaze and John are the same people or whatever but just know this story isn't the typical cliche.. I really hope you like this chapter haha, it's basically some Cobalt Blaze x Chloe interaction. On a side note, VALENTINE'S DAY IS COMING SO SEND ME VOTES AND READS AND COMMENTS AND I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER. BEST/FUNNIEST COMMENT GETS A DEDICATION IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! VOMMENT! (: Much loves xx

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Before Cobalt Blaze could lean in any closer, I broke away from his hypnotizing eyes and looked to the distance.  I could still feel his eyes boring into my face. What was I thinking? Getting any closer to Cobalt Blaze is seriously not going to help with my condition. At all.

“You don’t have to apologize, I guess I’m kind of at fault too cause of my severe inability to coordinate my actions,” I seriously hoped this was enough to end the awkward silence. I mean, Cobalt is really a good friend to me and I can’t afford to lose him over an almost-kiss. Who else is going to save me when I’m falling from a tree trying to escape from Chloe-eating cannibals?

A bright light blinded me, and I squinted. Wow where did that come from? Wasn’t it cloudy just a second ago? My eyes widened in realization that that bright spark of light was not so much sunlight, but a camera flash. Looking around, lo and behold, I spotted a fat red beanie-fied man clicking away on his camera.


Camera means pictures; pictures mean newspaper article, and newspaper article means twice the paparazzi and crazy Cobalt Blaze fangirls toilet-papering my house.

As if sensing my worry, Cobalt looked in my direction and in a split second he had cameraman’s weapon in his hands – the memory stick. He grinned and bowed dramatically, “Would milady do the honors?” His blue-grey eyes glazed mischievously at me through his fringe and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Why of course, kind sir,” I laughed.

Pulling my pocket penknife out of my pocket, I scratched the stick a few times, and handed it back to Cobalt. He sent a spark into the stick with his hand and threw it to a distance.

Now with that out of the way.

“I have to go, can’t stick around for the other girls to catch up and rip my face off, right?” I laughed, playfully punching Cobalt Blaze’s arms a few times. He doesn’t have super strength but I don’t think he can feel much of the impact, after all being a superhero, it’s basically a requirement that you have to berather strong.

“Want a lift?” He smirked, and I rolled my eyes. He knew I don’t particularly like to fly – at least, with him. Cobalt Blaze has this tendency to fly at the speed of a falcon on a sugar rush. With the loops and the fast turns, it is enough to make me sick and pukey within the first 10 seconds. The only reason why Cobalt Blaze doesn’t dry clean his suit often due to my puke is because he knows how to use gravity to his own benefit. That sneaky idiot.

“Nah I’ll walk.”

“Why don’t I walk you? I can even throw in a treated cup of ice-cream!”

“And how may I ask are you going to avoid us being caught on camera again?” I threw him a skeptical look. As much as I love the tempting sound of ice-cream – especially on this squirrel-killing hot day – I really did not want to risk being on the covers of Goniz daily in a big article that says ‘Damsel and Superhero sharing a cold treat, staring lovingly into each other’s eyes while they discussed how many children they want in the future’.

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