I look worse than Medusa

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©ImaginaryWrites 2013. All rights reserved.

It was five days to the Valentine’s Day ball.

You could feel the excitement in the air. Girls gathered by their lockers gushed over their newest cocktail dresses while the guys were fist pumping and congratulating each other.

In some classrooms, you could see members of the student council, preparing the themed decorations to be put up in the school hall. Streamers, balloons and banners were in a shade promoting the ‘festive’ season. Thus, pink was literally everywhere.

And by everywhere, I do mean that suddenly the rows of lockers were now painted with a fresh coat of baby pink.

There is definitely too much pink for my liking. How can one even stand the sight of these ghastly pink lockers without cringing?

Furthermore, today was not my day at all.

I was kept awake by the fact that the intruder may enter my room at any time. I mean, sure, he doesn’t seem much of a gay-rapist-who-rapes-girls-by-sneaking-through-the-bedroom-window, but one can never be too sure. After all, never judge a book by its cover right? Even if he does seem like a normal teenage guy.

And so, I have nasty eye bags and a cranky attitude this morning. The festival of love does not even come close helping my mood. Not to mention I realized that this morning, Mother Nature just had to remind me that I am not pregnant and I have severe cramps that could last the whole day.

The only good thing out of this was that the paparazzi didn’t flood my front door since 4am, so I could leave home early and slept for a few more hours in the sick bay.

Looking at my reflection through my locker mirror, I could see it didn’t really help much with regards to my outward appearance.

Darn it. I look worse than Medusa.

The paparazzi would definitely have a field day with me parading around town like this.

I slammed my devil-colored locker in frustration.

“Whoa, Chloe, what did the locker ever do to you?”

Facing Hunter, I shot him with a death glare. Maybe since I look worse than Medusa and turn this moron into stone. This seemed to amuse him as he began to clutch his stomach in laughter.

“Rough night, eh? I heard lover boy John paid you a visit. Did you do anything Papa Hunter should know about? Anything that requires me to hunt him down? Pun intended.”

I kicked him in the shin. I was in no condition for a pun. Ugh, oh no, I feel the cramping starting again.

“Chloe! I have Milky Ways, catch!” The genius redhead was sprinting towards us, hand flailing as she ran down the hallway. Her mouth widened into a ‘O’ and before I knew it, flying Milky Ways attacked my eyes. Ouch. This caused me to slide against the lockers, assuming a fetal position, groaning from the pain from my stomach, and now – my eye.

Thanks Arianna, thanks a lot.

I opened my sore eye, only to jerk back – head hitting the misfortuned lockers – when I saw Arianna’s huge green eyes staring into mine.

“Ouch,” I groaned. I really wonder how Arianna manages to appear from one place to another so quickly.

It must be those yogurt cereal bars she eats in the mornings. Man, those things were powerful!

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