23 - Sunset

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Jungmo waked up by the sunlight from the window, it's already a golden hour. he sleep 3 hours already and he feel better and full energy now.

Minhee was just sitting on the bed next to Jungmo, he was using his phone and keep it silent while Jungmo was still sleeping.

" Mini, what time it is now?" Jungmo asked and Minhee looked at him as he turned off his phone

" it's already 7:10pm why?" said by Minhee

" it's still sunset Mini?" Jungmo asked and Minhee nodded his head

Jungmo then quickly stand up and hold Minhee's hand then run outside of their room. when they arrived at the beach in front of their room Jungmo pulled out his phone and takes some pictures of the sky with the sun.

" why do you love the sky, sun and moon Koo?" asked by Minhee as he sit on the sand watching the sunset in front of him

" it's feels like home" Jungmo said making Minhee confused


" yes home" Jungmo said " whenever i click the button to save the pictures i takes, and when i look at it and admire it slowly... i can feel my grandmother."

" my grandmother said," whenever you miss me look up on the sky you can look at it whenever it's sunrise, sunset or night" that's why i always takes a picture of the sky "

" im the sun of her, the sun that will wish everday that his moon was still with him "

" the moon is her, my grandmother. the one who will not came back again to see me " Jungmo said making Minhee sad

" i called it home.. it's because my special second home was there smiling at me while taking some pictures of her in the sky " Jungmo ended his sentence as he still keeps taking some pictures

" you love your grandmother so much..." said by Minhee

" why? aren't you.. "

" i love my grandmother too.. i just wish i was there with her while she is on her last hours, minutes and seconds..." Minhee said and Jungmo stopped taking picture of the sky and sit next to Minhee

" take a look at the sky, imagine her smiling at you and telling you she loves you " Jungmo said and Minhee looked up the sunset

" this sunset is like the sunset when my grandmother died, she died while im with a call with her. before she hang up the call she said ' look at the sunset Minhee' then i look at the sunset and she said again ' the sunset is beautiful isn't it Mini?' She said and before i answered she hang up it and some minutes later we heard the news she already passed away on the time of 7:30pm" Minhee shared the story

" is the sunset was sad for you?" Jungmo asked and Minhee looked at him

" i think... no and yes, in my opinion sunsets are the proof that sad endings can often be beautiful too..." Minhee said making Jungmo confused

" wait what?" Jungmo asked and Minhee chuckled

" sunsets are the proof that sad endings in a day is can often be beautiful too. when something sad happens in our life in a day it still ends with beautiful sunset making us smile" Minhee explained and Jungmo finally understand it

Minhee then looked again at the sunset and Jungmo just watched him and admire the boys face and think about how Minhee was still thinks the sunset was beautiful even its a part of the day when his grandmother died

the night finally come, Jungmo and Minhee was still in the outside.

they're was sitting now in the outside of the small cafe while eating foods for their dinner.

they decided to eat here since they also want to hear the sounds of the oceans while watching on the half moon.

Jungmo was just silent looking at the moon, since he was already finished eating that's why he was already watching the moon.

Minhee in the other side, he was still eating but instead of looking at the moon, he was now looking at his own moon, Jungmo.

admiring the beautiful face of the older. shining eyes, glossy lips, pretty view of him. Minhee can't still imagine that they're together in the vacation now.

he really thought Jungmo will just going to hate him just like before. but he was lucky Jungmo still choose to be his friend instead of enemies.

Jungmo also noticed that Minhee was looking at him but he just ignored it since in his mind Minhee just wanted to admire him as a friend.

Jungmo still didn't now about Minhee's lowkey feelings for him. since Jungmo's heart is closed, Jungmo really not going to feel Minhee's love.

since Jungmo was still scared to admit he fall in love again. in so many time to be hurt he was now really scared to fall again.

he was thinking that if he told Minhee he have a a little bit feelings for him, there friendship will be gone wrong.

as what they say, don't fall in love with your best friend mostly you feel they're just admires you as a friend.

" Koo?" Minhee suddenly said and Jungmo looked at him with a questionable look

" um.. are you scared to love again?" Minhee asked and Jungmo left out a sigh as he look again at the moon

" of course i am. why did you ask?" Jungmo asked back

" nothing" Minhee said and stand up on his sit and hold Jungmo's hand

" let's take a late night walk, shall we?" Minhee asked and Jungmo just nodded his head

Jungmo walk through the sand closer on the ocean while Minhee was taking a film for some memories for them.

Minhee smiled every time Jungmo's smile and laugh. Minhee's facial expression and eyes is really the proof to tell how he really love the older.

Jungmo ran away to him and Minhee stopped to film and smiled while saying...

" just a litte more time, we'll be together..."
1005 words
Publish: 04/22/2022

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