50 - Let's End This Together

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📌 Reminder: This book was all work of fiction, all the situations that will appeard here was not true.

📌 Warning: things that will use here like Gun was not safe. I'm repeating things like Gun was not safe and not good to be played with and only professional can use it. Thank you!


" Sh*t, is this location was really serious? This is scary as hell! " Minhee said as he quickly park his car in a safety zone.

Minhee then get his phone and his other things, he even brought up Jungmo's Arnis as a weapon.

Minhee run and find Jungmo quickly, he went inside the abandoned building who are really scary.

The building has 10th floor, Minhee went inside quietly and went to a safe place again.

He heard yelling boys upstairs and he recognized the voice. He quickly went upstairs and find where room the sounds came.

Minutes later he find the room, but before he could go inside he stopped when Jungmo suddenly said:

" We're not for each other Minjun. "

" And Minhee? Why i always choose him? It's because he was more better than you and Somin. "

" Minhee took a good care of me, WHILE YOU AND SOMIN JUST KEEP HURTING ME! "

Minhee smiled to himself before getting ready to attempt to save Jungmo, seconds later when he saw Minjun pointing a gun to Jungmo, Minhee quickly hit Minjun on the head before Minjun can even shot Jungmo.

Minjun hold his head and within a seconds he collapsed on the ground and fainted.

Minhee then look at Jungmo who are now crying but smiling at him.

He went towards the older who are now tightly tied in the chair.

He untied the older as Jungmo just let the younger.

Jungmo's hands was already untied, when the time that Minhee already untied it, the older quickly stand up and hugged the younger.

He cried at the youngers shoulder as Minhee let him.

" You save me again, Min! " Jungmo whispered.

" As always my love! I'm your 911 right? " Minhee said and Jungmo smiled between his tears and sobs.

" Yes you are, my 911! " Jungmo said as he tighten the hug

" Where's the others? " Jungmo asked as he break the hug a little just to look up to the younger.

" I save you first, and the others was finding the place where Madam are, but now let's all together save Madam and Ms. Lee "

" This is really dangerous Min, how can you be brave like this just to save me? "

" There's no dangerous word when it's come to you Jungmo. "

" You know how much i love you right? That even hurting you I can't do. "

" Just like what you said, I'm your 911, your bravest 911. " Minhee said

Jungmo's tears left on his eyes again as he hug the younger tight again.

But Minutes later the tight hug finally over, Jungmo and Minhee took the chance to escape.

But before that they get Minjun phone, they look at the texts and hope they will know where's the direction towards Somin and the two Woman.

And they hope finally give them a chance to find the two Woman. They left Minjun alone there, as the both of them escape.


" Serim hyung, go to my direction look at my location. " Minhee speak while Jungmo holding the phone for him.

" We will! Is Jungmo already with you? " Serim asked and Minhee said yes.

" I'm with him now hyung. " Jungmo said and the others on the call breath free.

" Are you guys okay? Safe escape? " Woobin asked and the two said yes.

" Safe escape Woobin hyung, just like what i told you " Minhee said.

" Safe escape Ruby, Your cousin make it safe escape" Jungmo said as Minhee hold his free hand as he still drive with one hand.

" Do you guys already saw us? We're on your behind " Allen said and Minhee nodded his head.

Minhee then signal the others to follow him as the call ended.

" Safe Go, Safe Drive, Safe Arive. " Minhee yelled as they all laugh but also yelled it back.

After thet they all went to the place where Somin and the two Woman is.

As they drive towards the place, Minhee still had his one hand on Jungmo's hand.

Meanwhile Jungmo just looking outside the window, thinking positive.

" This will end soon right Min? " Jungmo asked as he took a glance to the younger.

Minhee then squeeze the older hand three times and nodded slowly.

" Yes it is Mogu! This things will end soon, I promise. " Minhee said and smiled at the older before looking on the road again.

They took hours to go to the place but they didn't go back and back out for going there they can't leave the two important Woman on their lives mostly Jungmo.

Jungmo can't let Madam and Ms. Lee alone there in this dangerous situation.

Since Madam is always there to Jungmo along with Ms. Lee that's why Madam and Ms. Lee was so important for him.

As they arrived on the place. Dark, not safe at all, but still didn't back out.

They all parked on the safe zone, Serim already called police to go here.

They were about to go inside when Jungmo speak that make them pay attention to him.

" Before we go inside, Let's promise? "

" Let's promise to be safe together after this okay? Along with Madam and Ms. Lee. "

" Promise me this please? " Jungmo asked and the eight people in front of him smiled at him softly and together brought out their pinky fingers.

" We promise Mogu, we promise! " Serim said and they all went to a group hug before going inside the place.

The others went first and Minhee look at Jungmo with a huge smile.

" Don't worry Koo! We will be safe after this okay? This will end soon Koo! "

Minhee then give the older a sweet smile and said

" Let's end this together! " Minhee said as he hold the older hand and went inside too.

1005 words
Publish: 07/18/2022

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