60 - Cemetery

59 13 1

" Mama Lee, Madam, where here!! " Cheongmin said while running towards the two woman's grave.

" Cheongmin please be careful " Jungmo yelled as the younger nodded his head still running towards the two Woman's grave.

Once they arrived there, Cheongmin quickly sit in front of the graves and started to tell stories.

" Mama Lee, i got the highest rank on school again! Are you proud of me? " Cheongmin said still smiling.

" My classmates also want to say hi to the both of you. They said the two of you are really strong and has a good heart! They miss you both!!! "

" Mama Lee, remember Kyrie? She said she wants to visit you here but she said her Mama and Papa was so busy, but she promise to come here and say hi to you and madam! "

" remember Niko also? He said he already missed  the both of you!! They really miss the both of you!! "

" Every time we saw two white butterflies inside our room, we always say hi because we believe it's the both of you!! "

" We also pray for the both of you whenever we go at the church in our school! "

" Please give me a blow of air if the both of you listening to me " the younger said still trying not to cry.

When the air started to blow, Cheongmin smiled. As the tears on the youngers eyes finally escaped.

Jungmo smiled when he noticed it. He smiled because he knows how the younger try not to cry whenever he was visiting his mother.

The younger finally ready now, ready to let his tears came out and let himself let go to all the pain that his been keeping since his mother di3d.

Minhee also noticed it and just smiled also, he knows how much the younger want to cry since then but he can't since he was trying his best to be strong.

They both just let the younger spread his own emotions, as they both listen to the youngers story for the both woman.

" Mama Lee, i know you will not able to scold me anymore if i cry " Cheongmin said as he left out a small chuckles.

" I actually don't want to cry, mostly in front of this two kind Man. "

" But as long as i want to keep this emotions of mine, I can't anymore. "

" I have been strong right Mama Lee? But can i be weak this time? "

" I have been keeping all my tears. Whenever my classmates always says they all both miss you. They all love you. More and more. "

" Well I'm really happy because all people's around me being kind to me and always took a good care of me. "

" I'm more happy how they all complement the both of how much kindness on your heart and how you both so strong to fight even in the last breath of the both of you. "

" I miss the both of you a lot, i miss the old times when the both of you always make sure that I'm good "

" If i can wish to hug the both of you before leaving me alone again, i will wish. "

" Well i can really wish it, but it can never be true. "

" I'm slowly accepting the fact that the both of you are now resting. "

" I'm finally slowly accepting the fact that i already lost my Mother, who always give me support for everything. "

" I might be too young to experience this, but i should still accept it. Mostly i know this situation was already written in our life. "

The younger whipped his tears away. As he look at the two who are still looking at him.

He smiled, before holding his Dada and Papa's hand.

He intertwined the two hands as he put his one hand in the top of it.

He looked again to where the graves was, before speaking.

" But all this time, I'm not alone Mama Lee and Madam. "

" Jungmo Hyung and Minhee hyung stand to be my parents. I even called them Papa and Dada now. "

" And the happiest part of it? They already together now. And they will officially adopt me soon. "

" So Mama Lee, don't worry now for me okay? I have them. I have Papa and Dada "

" But even this two man will stand for me to be my parents. I will still not forget how you took a care to me. "

" You guys will be in our heart forever. There's no doubt for it. "

" I hope you both already in peace now. As you guys deserves too. " Cheongmin ended his sentences there.

As a smile draw slowly on his face. Minhee and Jungmo hugged him tightly and make the younger feel that he was so strong.

" You have been being strong Young man, and even you cried now, you're still strong. "

" You will never be weak when you cry Young man. " Jungmo said as he kissed the younger's forehead.

" You should say your goodbye for now, Young man. " Minhee said and Cheongmin nodded his head.

" We're going now Mama Lee and Madam. We will come back here again, be ready for my long stories again okay? " Cheongmin said making them laugh a little.

" Take care and be safe there Madam and Ms. Lee " Jungmo said

" Bye for now Madam and Ms. Lee will be back here after Jungmo's graduation. Be ready okay? " Minhee said with a smile before the three of them leave the cemetery.

911 words
Publish 08/07/2022

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