79 - Parents

46 10 3

Weeks after the graduation. Many things happens, if you wonder the trio was still talking.

Allen was still in the step of forgetting. Woobin was now happy with Serim.

Taeyoung and Seongmin was still running for their lovelife. Still pretending whenever they're in public.

Wonjin and Hyeongjun was also still okay, loving each other just like how they do years before.

Jungmo and Minhee was still running for their lovelife. Many things happens like fight but still stick to eachother.

Cheongmin was still with them, playing and bonding with them mostly his Dada and Papa.

Jungmo's parents was also still supporting them. But if you wonder how about Minhee's parents?

They're supporting their relationship too. Yes, Minhee's parents was now okay about their son's gender.

" Are you really sure that they already okay wit it Min? " Jungmo asked his boyfriend and Minhee nodded his head.

" I already talked to them yesterday Bao, don't worry that much! " Minhee said and kissed his boyfriend's forehead.

" You ready son? " Minhee asked Cheongmin who are now brushing his hair.

" Papa help " Cheongmin said making Minhee left a giggles before going to his son.

" Put this here then brush it down, see you look more handsome young man " Minhee said making the younger smiled.

" Thank you Papa " Cheongmin said and Minhee ruffled his hair.

" Let's go now " Minhee said and the three of them went down to outside and walk towards their car.

After 2 hours of driving they're finally arrived at Minhee's parents house. Cheongmin hold on Jungmo's hand tightly because of nervousness.

" Papa.. " Cheongmin said as he also hold his Papa's hand.

" Don't worry son Papa and Dada was here okay? " Minhee said and the younger nodded his head.

" Oh you guys are here, Hello " A old woman popped up behind the big door.

" Hello Mom " Minhee said.

" Hello Mrs. Kang " Jungmo said with a smile on his face.

Cheongmin was just hiding on Jungmo's back. When Junhmo noticed it he immediately told the younger to also said hi.

" Baby please say Hello also to your Papa's mom " Jungmo said.

" H-Hello Mrs. Kang " Cheongmin said making the old woman smiled.

" Your parent being was so good Jungmo " Mrs. Kang said.

" Call me Mom too Jungmo and for our baby Cheongmin, call me Mama Lola okay? " Mrs. Kang said that makes Cheongmin smile.

" Okay Mama Lola " Cheongmin said making the three smile.

" Come inside and let's eat lunch while waiting for Minhee's Dad " Mrs. Kang said.

They all went inside and take a seat. Cheongmin seated between his Papa and Dada, and Jungmo seated next to Minhee's mom.

" Eat your lunch " Mrs. Kang said and the three of them thanked her and eat the food.

" Cheongmin was really a handsome kid hm? Do you want a baby sister or brother sweetie? " Mrs. Kang suddenly said.

Jungmo looked at Minhee while Minhee was just laughing at him.

" I want baby sister Mama Lola but Dada said that we still going to wait until Papa's graduation before we adopt a baby girl " Cheongmin said.

" That still next year right? " Mrs. Kang said.

" Yes Mom " Minhee replied stopping his laugh.

" Hmm.. okay then " Mrs. Kang said and looked at Jungmo.

Jungmo smiled at her and eat his food again. After eating Minhee's dad was still not home.

Jungmo and Mrs. Kang was now talking privately.

" How was your work at your father's company? Are you not pressured or what? " Mrs. Kang said taking a sip on her coffee.

" I'm not Mom, i actually more enjoyed it since sometimes Minhee was also taking a work there " Jungmo said.

" How about Cheongmin's request? " Mrs. Kang said.

" I actually wanted to tell earlier that as soon as possible you guys should give Cheongmin a baby sister but when i look at you i know you have plans. "

" So mind if you will tell Mom about it son? " Mrs. Kang said making Jungmo smiled.

" I actually going to surprise them at Cheongmin's birthday mom. " Jungmo said.

" Next month is Cheongmin's birthday and i will going to take the permit for the adoption "

" I also know who will i get and her name is Kiara " Jungmo said making Mrs. Kang smiled.

" Son please keep making my son, grandson and granddaughter happy okay? Soon me and Minhee's dad will go back to new york "

" Minhee already know about this, but don't worry this will happen after Cheongmin's birthday so that we still going to have a bonding " Mrs. Kang said.

" I will Mom, i will " Jungmo said with a smile.

Minutes later Minhee's dad came home and also talk to them.

" Hello Sons " Minhee's dad said.

" Hello Dad " Minhee and Jungmo said.

" Say hello too baby " Jungmo said to Cheongmin.

" Hello Papa Lolo " Cheongmin said making the old man smiled.

" Hello too my buddy " Mr. Kang said.

" Do you guys already eat lunch? " He asked.

" Yes we're already done how about you? " Mrs. Kang said.

" I'm already done too, let's play buddy " Mr. Kang said getting Cheongmin and they went inside the house and play together.

" I'm really telling the two of you, as soon as possible you guys should give us a granddaughter" Mrs. Kang said.

" Mom! " Minhee said.

" I'm just joking son! You're so serious" Mrs. Kang said.

" Come on let's play with them " Mrs. Kang said and they all went to the two.

Minhee was happy that finally his parents accept him and his two lovers.

He was so excited for the future knowing that there's no more problems for their relationship.

He might look like a childish but he was really happy and thankful.

Finally he can love Jungmo free and full of happiness.

947 words
Publish: 10/11/2022

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