67 - Always

51 10 8

" I'm happy for you and Taeyoung "

" But how about your parents Min? They are all angst about this. I mean, i can always protect you and Taeyoung from them "

" But I'm still worried about the fact that there's a possibility that they will separate the two of you and make you married another person. "

" You know their rules for you right? If you dated Taeyoung they will make you separate to him and make you married their friend's Daughter"

" I don't want you and Taeyoung to be hurt because of your own parents"

" I know when they found about this, they will easily separate you from him. "

Hyeongjun said while looking at Seongmin who are now just looking on the city lights.

Seongmin just listen, as the tears from his eyes just fall. He was scared but he wanted this. He wanted to be with Taeyoung.

Hyeongjun take a deep breath before hugging his younger cousin.

" I know you're scared and just want to be with the love of your life "

" But Min, as long as I'm here with you, i will make sure to always protect you from them "

" I'm sorry for saying all that things, i just really don't want the two of you will hurt when your parents found this out "

" But as long as we can make you and Taeyoungs relationship private, you guys are safe to love each other "

" Later, i will tell the others about this so they also will know the reason why we will keep this private "

" We will do everything okay? Just don't lose hope " Hyeongjun said as Seongmin hug him tightly as he can.

The younger just cried and cried, he was actually thankful for Hyeongjun who are always here to protect him.

But he also know that not forever his cousin will be here to protect him, soon he will also be alone.

But now as long as he was with him he will also do everything to protect his hyung too.

Hyeongjun just let the younger cry, as always. But after some minutes when Seongmin was finally stopped, he also started talking.

" I'm thankful" Seongmin said.

" I'm thankful for you. " He added making Hyeongjun smiled.

" I'm thankful that you're here to support and help me all the time. "

" I'm super thankful to have you hyung " Seongmin said while looking at his cousin.

" I'm more thankful to have a cousin like you Min "  the older said as the two of them look at the city lights and just enjoy each other company.


" Hyeongjun was right, we should protect this two from Seongmin's parents " Woneun said.

" Okay so, this is the plan i made " Wonjin said as he sit on the floor beside Minhee.

" Whenever we are outside the two of you should act like just a friend, I KNOW it's hard but this will be your protection around the people "

" We don't know, maybe when the all of us was out and someone recognize Seongmin and tell about it to his mother, we're all dead. "

" So we should do this in public, but in private you guys are free to do what you guys wanted to do " Wonjin said while looking at Seongmin and Taeyoung who are just listening to their hyung.

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