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"Ah." Finn said quietly.

Sure, you're at sudden death, definitely death, and the only thing he could say was 'ah' like he had found a ladybug in his house.

"Who are you?" It growled as it sniffed him. "You don't smell like the knights."

"Knights?" Finn frowned gripping the tail that was wrapped strongly around him. "What?"

The scales seemed to flicker across its skin. Smoke flared out of its nostrils making Finn choke.

"Any last words?" The dragon asked lowly.

Finn dropped his arms, there was no point struggling he was a dead man, he really was.

Those bared teeth that looked like a thousand knives as the dragons jaw slowly opened.

"Wait! I need your help!"

Another puff of smoke engulfed him.


Finn flapped the smoke from his face. "I... I need your help."

The dragon looked incredibly perplexed. "My help? What?"

"Yeah." He explained nodding his head. "I- I'm not here to hurt you I just need two of your scales."

The dragon glared his eyes glowing brighter. "And why would I give you anything?"

Finn winced, the room was getting hotter by the second. That and the trail around him was hot to the touch.

"I don't really have a reason." He mumbled quietly. That was a lie. "I don't really have anything to offer." That was true.

The dragon huffed. "Then I'll just have eat you."

"Whoa! No wait! Please!"


Everything seemed to pause, Finn was being dangled over the jaws of death, it smelled vile, didn't anyone ever tell this dragon to brush his teeth?

They might have done actually, but they were probably promptly eaten afterwards.

Finn wished his brain would shut up.

Stood on the floor just next to the dragon was a girl, no a woman. No...

"You're the princess!" Finn exclaimed pointing at her. "I thought you were dead."

"Blaze, put him down!" The princess ordered eyes harsh. "Let's just hear him out."

Finn watched slightly dizzy and in awe as he was lifted and put down next to the princess.

"Um... Thanks?" Finn asked looking up at her. "I'm Finn."

"Clara." The princess smiled extending her hand to him.

Finn carefully took it and was easily pulled up. "Wow you're strong." He said completely in awe.

"Alright," the princess said crossing her muscular arms, "what do you want?"

"I need two of his scales." Finn explained pointing up at the large dragon who huffed out smoke.

"Yea." The princess was frowing. "I heard that bit, I want to know why?"


"I'm not giving him anything." The drogon barked out.

"Blaze!" Snapped the princess who glared up at him. "Can't you tell he's not like the others."

"I can, look at him, he's tiny." The drogon growled leaning towards him, whispers of smoke drifted from the corners of his mouth. "I don't trust him."

"That's probably for the best." Finn grumbled.

"I'm not saying I do." The princess frowned shaking her head. "Would you calm down?"

"He's wearing Thelon armour." The dragon stated leveling her with a glare.

The princess looked back at him her eyes widening, she clearly had missed that part. "You're from Thelon?" It sounded hesitant.

Finn nodded. "Yes."

"How... How is everyone? My father? How are the people?" Clara asked sounding almost scared as she stepped closer and closer.

"Um..." Finn backed up. "No one sees him anymore." He admitted. "And... The kingdom is... It's all shutdown."

"Shutdown?" Clara said quietly.

"Yeah, I struggled to get out here." Finn admitted and maybe he shouldn't have added that part. "And 'cause the kingdom is mostly closed there's no money and... People aren't in the best place right now, not really."

"What do you mean?"

Finn found his gaze drifting anywhere but the princess. "Most people are surviving on the bare minimum, I own nothing more than this..." there was nothing there. "Wait where's my satchel?!"

"Satchel?" Clara frowned.

Finn rushed back to where he had fallen in but it wasn't there, a soft rumble made him look up at the large dragon to see him holding said satchel from one of its large pointed claws.

"Can I have it back?" Finn asked raising his hand ready to accept it.

The large dragon rolled his eyes at him.

"Blaze give it back."

"He's such a wimp." Blaze replied tossing the bag at him nearly knocking Finn over with the force. "All he would have to do is say it a bit firmer."

"Well I like that he's got some manners about him." Clara smiled glancing towards him.

Finn didn't really know how to reply as he focused on checking the satchel to be sure that his belongings were all there.

A book, map and day old bread. Perfect.

"Finn, can I ask you something?" She inquired as she came a little closer.

"Sure?" Finn said slowly. He didn't like this.

"Why is the kingdom in such a state? What's happened to cause it to end up that way?"

Finn ducked his head slightly. "You, you got taken."

"Wait because of me?" She blinked before looking up at the dragon.

"Look can I just have the scales? Please? I need to get home."

"Why do you need them?" Blaze growled.

"Someone I know is ill, really ill, if I don't get home on time she will die, so please." Finn explained desperation creeping into his voice as he held his hand out toward the dragon.

He had run out of patience.

Blaze looked slightly surprised before he huffed out a heavy breath of smoke which filled the room.

Finn choked trying to wave it away as he took a step back, as it cleared however he found the dragon was gone.



Finn glanced to his side to see a man, a man with very dark skin and black hair, the same orange eyes and a few scars that littered the visible skin.

In the humans hand were two black scales that shimmered slightly as he looked at them.

Finn blinked and collected them before placing them carefully into the small pouch inside his satchel. "Thank you."

Blaze nodded crossing his arms over his chest.

"So um, do you know how I can get out of here?" Finn asked awkwardly. "I can't exactly go the way I came in."

"Head that way, it will lead you to the surface." Blaze explained pointing down a dark tunnel.

"Wait." Clara said firmly moving to stand in front of him. He could not catch a break today. "I'm coming with you."

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