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Blaze didn't think he had ever felt this cold.

Why had he left the volcano again? Why wasn't he there?

A bead of water rolled across his forehead and he tried in vain to bring some form of flame to his skin.

Why couldn't he?

Then something shifted. The native standing by his head stumbled and fell, the bucket in his hand rolled away.

The water.


Blaze tugged weakly at the ropes holding him, normally he could break free. Rope wasn't exactly a problem for him when he could summon fire whenever he pleased.

He could literally generate fire normally and-

"Blaze?" Clara, he knew he voice all too well. The only human he had ever learned to trust and respect. "Blaze, come on Blaze."

He realised then that she was right there, staring at him with that anxious expression.

His hands weren't tied anymore, neither was he on the floor. He was sat up.

"How is he?"

Clara shook her head. "I don't know, he's never been this cold before."

"Maybe this'll help."

Something flickered to life, light drifted around them.

Blaze felt inclined to look toward it.

A fire.


It burned brightly as it ate up the leaves and dry logs that had been gathered.

And kneeling next to it was that human boy. He was holding two stones in his hands and he was watching the fire with very patient eyes.

Blaze groaned in the back of his throat and attempted to move, he didn't go anywhere.

"I think it's working." Clara whispered. "How do you know how to light fires?"

"Used to have to start them every night." Finn shrugged slowly starting to relax. He turned and lifted some more twigs and branches into his lap and slowly began adding them to the fire. "But I've never had to make a fire for a dragon before."

"Almost sounds like something to write about." Clara laughed. It was loud and grated on Blaze's eardrums.

Why was she still so loud?

"Heh, I guess." Finn didn't sound as excited as she had. "Has this ever happened before?"

"No, not while I've known him." Clara sighed, she sounded worried again. "Thanks for coming back for us."

"I'm not a wimp. I was coming back."

"They said you were a sacrifice, we thought you were dead." Clara explained and Blaze forced his head to turn toward her. "Hey? You good?"

"Fire." Blaze managed to mumble, his eyes hurt.

"Yeah, yeah. Finn got the fire going."

"Nngh." Blaze groaned closing his eyes.

"What does he need?" Another voice asked, it sounded gruff and irritated.

"Haven't a clue." Clara admitted.


Blaze's eyes snapped open, he found Finn right in front of him holding a branch that was on fire. He was holding it out to him.

He grimaced internally at the fact that this human was observant enough to realise what he needed. He hated this boy so much.

Blaze glared at him, it was halfhearted but Finn did lean back slightly.


Blaze's hand closed around the burning end of the stick and the fire raced around his hand, up his arm. Across his skin.

It burned and Blaze took a deep breath and breathed out a cloud of smoke.

"Hey! That worked." Clara shouted excitedly.

Finn let go of the stick and turned grabbing two more. "Here."

Blaze snatched them from him and offered a nod as thanks.

Within a few moments his temperature felt far better than before. He experimented with it and let fire burst through his skin.

"That's good." Clara smiled, but her eyes showed more emotions. "You okay?"

"Hmm." Blaze grunted them glanced to Finn who was staring off into the dark woods hugging his knees to his chest.

He was momentarily reminded of how young the boy really was.

"Hey," he said quietly drawing the humans gaze, "thanks."

Finn nodded and ducked his head so only his eyes were visible over his knees. He looked pensive, like he wanted to get up and run.

"So dragons and water don't mix?"

Blaze turned his gaze to find a centaur that rested the other side of the fire. The fire spat between them a spark dancing in the air before fading away.

"No." Blaze grumbled. "Who are you?"

"The kid was given to us as a sacrifice for the wolf that roams the woods around here." The centaur shrugged. "Then we realised he was alive we couldn't sacrifice him."

"He's also too skinny." A small amphibian stated shaking her head as she opened her hand allowing claws to spring out.

"I hate you all." Finn mumbled, his head had dropped completely now. His hair had flopped forward over his arms, his face completely hidden.

"You don't really hate us." Clara said rolling her eyes she turned her gaze back on Blaze. "Anyway, these two helped us get you away from the natives."

"I'm Natasha, this is Cole." The amphibian informed. "Not gonna lie we were curious when the kid said that you had left the volcano. We had to check it out for ourselves."

"Then the kid ran straight into danger." The centaur glanced toward Finn and frowned. "Not something anyone in their right mind would do."

"He's not actually that much of an idiot." Clara said as if she had known Finn her entire life.

She hadn't.

None of them had known him more than a handful of hours.

Blaze frowned at Finn who hadn't commented on what the centaur had said, he hadn't commented for a couple of moments.

"I think he's asleep." He admitted.

"Best keep our voices down then." Clara whispered loudly. "Let him rest."

"Where are you guys headed?" Natasha asked plucking a leaf off her arm and crushing it in her grasp.


"They won't let a dragon in." She said, her bright green eyes harsh in the darkness.

"We're going back so I can see the kingdom." Clara explained. "And Finn has family there."

Natasha and Cole shared a glance. It seemed to speak a thousand words between them.

"How long have you known Finn for?" Cole asked, side glancing Finn again.

Clara looked at Blaze. "Since this morning?"

The dragon nodded grimly. It wasn't exactly a long time, and in terms of trust he had very little for the human.

"They're completely mad." Natasha scoffed before the silence settled in.

The fire cracked before them and cast looming shadows around the wood. Occasionally it seemed as though the shadows danced to a silent fire song that only they could hear.

And with that thought sleep drew upon the group like the creeping shadows of the day.

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