Boxin' and Bruises

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Betty was starting to regret agreeing to this date with George. Over dinner he'd spent all his time talking about himself and rarely asked her a question at all. He talked over her and had even tried to order her food for her, but she'd spoken up quickly. She could've put the excessive talking down to nerves she supposed but, as they stopped outside Goldie's Gym and George motioned for her to enter the building her concern grew.

"The gym, George? What're we doin' here?" She could hear the hum of voices from inside.

"We're gonna watch the boxin'," he told her proudly, handing her a flyer. "It's the final tonight."

"I really don't think I want to watch this, George. I see enough injuries every day at work," she protested, desperately trying to think of an excuse to leave.

"C'mon Betty, it'll be great. I'm surprised you've not seen any fights before, isn't the headliner a friend of your brother's?" Betty's stomach dropped as she read the flyer.

Defending his welterweight title for the second time...


Crap, she thought. She really didn't want to watch this. Of course, she knew Bucky boxed, and that he was good, but he'd always avoided visiting for a couple of days after each match to give the worst of the bruises a chance to start healing. Before she could think of a convenient excuse to leave, George started to lead her inside the gym.

The boxing ring dominated the centre of the large space, and was surrounded by rows of wooden folding chairs, half of which were occupied. The crowd consisted mainly of men, many of whom congregated around the edges of the room, smoking, and placing bets. The fumes added to the pungent odour of the room, mingling with the smell of leather and old sweat. George led Betty over to some seats a couple of rows from the front, giving them a good view without them having to crane their necks too much.

"There's a couple of warm up matches before the big fight. I'm gonna put some money on 'em, do you want to put some on too?" George asked, but Betty shook her head.

The first warm-up match had already started by the time George returned. He smiled at her as he sat and withdrew a flask from his pocket, offering it to her. She started to refuse but then changed her mind and took it, having a small sip. She winced as the harsh liquor burned her throat. George laughed and lifted the flask in salute, before taking a long pull himself. He draped his arm over the back of her chair, not quite like having his arm around her, but close enough for casual observers to be mistaken. Betty squirmed uncomfortably; the fighting was awful. It was bloody and brutal, especially the heavyweights that were knocking ten bells out of each other at the moment.

As the ring announcer gave the spectators a two-minute warning for the start of the final fight Betty took another swig of liquor. The flask was almost empty, and it wasn't down to her. Glancing sideways at George, she could see the slight flush on his cheeks from the alcohol. He leaned forward in his seat, elbows on knees, his chin in his hands, as the announcer introduced the contender, and then started to his feet and applauded when Bucky's name was announced. Betty stayed seated, wanting to avoid being seen.

The familiar tall figure appeared at the edge of the crowd with a guy Betty assumed was his coach. Bucky raised his arm in the air, waving at the crowd with a cocky grin that didn't quite reach his eyes. Betty knew that look well; his mind was already focussed on the fight. He made his way to the corner of the ring, not far from where Betty and George sat, and started dancing on his feet a little, all the while listening to the coach talking in his ear. His smile had disappeared, and he punctuated his dancing and air jabs with curt nods in response to his coach's words.

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