Food and Flirtin'

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The icy wind whipped around her legs and made her shiver. Already regretting leaving the warmth of the hospital, Betty trudged through the snow and ice towards Flo's diner. She and Steve had an agreement that they'd meet for lunch every Wednesday, otherwise they rarely had chance to spend any time together at all. Not that she wouldn't have minded staying in the hospital staff room that day, the weather was truly awful.

The bell above the door of the diner chimed as she entered, a cheerful counterpoint to the freezing gale blowing outside. She waved at Flo, who waved back, before she spotted Bucky sitting on a stool at the counter. Betty headed towards him, curious to see him there.

"Hey Bucky, what're you doin' here? You waitin' on someone?"

"Not anymore, Doll," he smiled. "Steve had trouble with his asthma this mornin', so he asked me to meet you for lunch instead of him. Don't worry!" He exclaimed on seeing her concerned expression, "He's OK, just wanted to stay at home and rest rather than comin' out in this weather."

"You sure he's OK?" she said, still wary.

Bucky nodded emphatically.

"Alright. Well, I guess you'll have to do," she quipped in an attempt to ease her tension.

"We all have our crosses to bear, Doll," he grinned. 

 Betty draped her coat over the back of the chair, removing her gloves and scarf, and placing them and her purse on the floor between them. Bucky held her elbow to help her hop up on to the tall chair, opting to join him at the counter rather than sit in a booth.  Their eyes caught for a second too long and Betty became hyper-aware of his hand on her arm as he stroked his thumb across the inside of her elbow.  Even through the layers of clothes, Betty could feel the electric tingle of his touch.  At that moment, Flo came over, notepad in hand. In her broad, Brooklyn accent, she spoke.

"What'll you two kids be havin'?"

Bucky gestured to Betty, indicating she should order first, hoping that Betty didn't notice his shaking hand.

"I'll have the mac and cheese, please Flo, and a vanilla malt." Flo nodded and looked over at Bucky.

"Cheeseburger and fries with a chocolate shake. You know the way I like 'em, Flo," he winked.

Flo smiled and nodded, as she walked away to pass their order to the kitchen.

"You'll actually flirt with anyone at all, won't you Buck?" Betty laughed.

"Gotta keep practicin' Doll. I don't wanna get rusty. Besides, Flo always gives me extra fries."

Betty smiled at him but then noticed a faded bruise on his cheekbone. "What happened there?" she asked, indicating the bruise, a look of concern on her face.

"Oh, nothin', just from boxin'. Why? You worried about little old me?" he shrugged.

"You knucklehead. That's a crumby sport, I've told you that," Betty scoffed, with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah, well, I'm good at it."  Bucky crossed his arms across his chest, a smug grin on his face.

"Really?"  Betty was sceptical.

"Yeah, really." He laughed.

"How good?" she challenged.

"Well Doll, I don't wanna grandstand, but you're actually sat with the New York YMCA welterweight champion," he said, in a stage whisper.

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