Rebirth and Reunions

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(A/N  - Yes I've mainly used pictures of Jessica Raine to represent Betty in the headers but I love the aesthetic that Jenna Coleman has in CA:FA so she's in a couple of them too.)


"So, you see, Elizabeth, as the serum enhances physical characteristics..."

"It also enhances what's inside."

"Exactly, so good becomes great..."

"...and bad becomes worse," Betty finished.

"Precisely. That is why we need to choose our candidates so carefully. We need them to understand and appreciate the value of the strength and power that will be given to them."

"Dr Erskine, Abraham, what about if someone is ill, or has poor general health. Would that make a difference to the way the serum affects the body?" she asked.

"You know the answer to this already Elizabeth. Tell me what you think," he encouraged.

"I think... no, I'm sure, that the serum would heal any illness alongside the physical enhancement. That means that Phillips is missin' out on hundreds, maybe thousands, of potential candidates by only choosin' those he already sees as soldiers. The serum negates all that."

Erskine beamed with pride.

"You have figured out for yourself in a few moments what I have been trying to convince the Colonel of for months. There is something behind your eyes though, meine kleine Wissenschaftlerin, what are you thinking of?" he questioned, analysing her face.

Betty took a moment to collect her thoughts. She knew the Doctor would wait, as he always did when she was thinking things through, with an expectant expression on his face. She knew what she wanted to say, but was also aware that once she'd said it, she couldn't take it back. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, picturing Steve in her mind. He was ill, he always had been, and things weren't getting any better for him. Betty was sure it was only by the sheer force of his stubborn will that he was still up and about at 25. If he ever caught a bad bout of flu or, God forbid, tuberculosis like their Ma, he was done for. Yes, Erskine's project was experimental, but she trusted the science, she'd been over it a hundred times. More importantly, she trusted him.

"Abraham...?" she began tentatively.

"Ah, here it is." The warmth of his smile reassured her. "Go on, Elizabeth."

"I...know someone. Someone who might be, no, who is a good fit for the candidate profile."

"That was not what I expected you to say, but you have my complete faith. Please enlighten me." His grey eyebrows raised in surprise and intrigue.

"Steven, my brother." She breathed out. Erskine yet again waited for her to say what she needed to say.

"He's...the best person. He's kind, brave, lovin', supportive. He's stood up for the little guy his entire life, except... He is the little guy!" Her obvious love for her brother drew Erskine in.

"Go on, mein Stern, I am hearing you."

"He's about my height, 95 pounds soakin' wet, and his health is terrible. He has asthma, heart trouble, high blood pressure, and he seems to suffer from every bug goin'. In all honesty Abraham, I'm scared for him." Her voice broke but she took a couple of steadying breaths.

"He's tried to enlist four times already. He thinks that he has no right to do anythin' other than what most men his age are doin' for the war effort. None of us can convince him otherwise. You'll never meet a more determined guy. He's selfless."

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