4: Talking Over Drinks

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---------------------Chapter Start---------------------------------------------

Your Perspective

". . . This is some strong stuff, Yae where did you get it? ~cough~ ~wheeze~" I said drinking from the cup Yae poured for me. Yae looked over her own cup in contemplation, before telling me she got it from Ei as a gift. 

"Legends say that this, Eternal Sake, is a beverage strong enough to intoxicate you for what feels like an eternity."

"Legends say? Yae weren't you there when they were written?" I asked her jokingly. Yae finishes another cup of her drink of her sake before answering.

"That is for me to know and for you to figure out."

"And plus, I'm pretty sure being drunk forever is a fate worse than death. You sure little ol me will be fine drinking this? I am but a mortal-"

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Yae cuts me off. I wonder what that means, though now that I think of it . . . We didn't really talk about my life span that much. 

"-After all." I finished my sentence. I finally finished my second cup and Yae already was going on her fourth or fifth one. I asked her to slow down a little, and that there was plenty of time for us to spend here, adding that I would very much like to not have to deal with a very intoxicated Yae. I've seen mildly intoxicated before. And that alone was scary enough that it terrified the Traveler. Yae's already manifesting her tails so she's mildly drunk already. 

"It's just I . . .  I cannot bear an existence without you that's all. It is why I began searching for ways to prolong your natural life." she tells me, moving onto my lap and almost knocking over the bottle of Eternal Sake. She buried her head in my neck, before softly biting me on the neck. 

"Is that what this is about? Your concern for me?"

"I suppose my reasoning is that I want to wash away those worries for a while." Yae drunkenly admits.

"After all, I don't think I could handle not seeing your wonderful face every morning~" Yae continues, peppering my neck with kisses. I feebly tried to fight them off, but her persistence caused me to give in. I returned the favor by dotting her neck with kisses of my own in return. 

"I assure you; I'll find a way to stay with you for as long as I can. I work in a library after all, pretty sure a book on immortality is there. Okay?"

Yae nods, before flopping forward. I check on her, trying to shake her awake in concern. Its then I realize she simply fell asleep in my arms. Seeing this, I smiled and carried her to my room so that she could get her rest. As I picked her up, I noted the small smile on her face, leading my own to get bigger.

"I love you, Yae. I don't plan on leaving you. I'll find a way I promise." I tell her, placing a kiss on her head."

---------------------Chapter End---------------------------------------------

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